God’s Mighty Warriors in the Last Days

Knighthood of Christian Warriors

by Dr. Donald Bell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/29/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781490839752

About the Book

The mission of this book is to provide an understanding of these times by looking at biblical prophecy through twenty-first century eyes. This book is designed to reach out to Christians who sigh and groan over the ongoing abominations being committed in our country, with the hope of raising up strong, strategic leaders who will guide many to prepare for the challenging events that will precede the second coming of our Lord. The book’s contents provide us with an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation, designed to be a serious field guide to help prepare Christian warriors for the great tribulations which will precede the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to restore His kingdom on Earth.

We are on the verge of devastating events that will create great fear and chaos throughout the world and especially in our comfort-seeking nation. We are no longer free to play the role of civilians —for dark times are coming which will open up opportunities to be a strong light for the Kingdom of God in the midst of growing darkness. Those who hear the call and seriously prepare will be among the warrior-spirited Christians who will be the Lord’s anointed witnesses during the great tribulation.

About the Author

Don Bell is currently a partner in a CPA firm in the Pacific Northwest. He served in the Marine Corps for twenty years, including two tours on the front-lines of Vietnam. He retired as a Major at age thirty-eight, but was enlisted for six of those years. Don also attended seminary, where he received a master of divinity degree (MDiv), and some time later a doctor of ministry degree (DMin) specializing in strategic leadership.

The Lord has put a deep burden in his heart, and that is to arouse a remnant of Christian warriors to visualize their heritage and purpose in life.

Don and his wife, Gery, live in the Pacific Northwest. They have had three children together and currently have six grandchildren.