. . . Down Will Come Roe, Babies and All
a road map for overruling Roe vs. Wade
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About the Book
The abortion line of cases is the most flagrant demonstration of the Supreme Court’s using ‘sociological jurisprudence’ (the legal counterpart of political correctness) to gravely undermine the constitution it is sworn to uphold. From the near hallucinogenic opinion in Griswold vs. Connecticut inventing the right of marital privacy to its extension to include killing by abortion, the court has striven to advance the liberal agenda. Legal scholars knew that the court had gone too far and most expected Roe v. Wade to be overruled in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Although the Supreme Court actually admitted it was wrong, never underestimate the political cowardice of the Supreme Court! The court refused to overrule its admittedly wrong decision because to do so would disappoint certain groups. The journey down the rabbit hole that passes for constitutional law continues as we learn that the court thinks the authors of the constitution should “have been more specific”, but at least had the insight to know that more politically correct future supreme court would be on hand to correct these perceived deficiencies. Because the concept of “liberty interest” is itself a recent Supreme Court invention, the court has now given itself carte blanche to do whatever suits those in whose eyes it wishes to be deemed enlightened. The more absurd quotations are directly from the court’s own opinions. This trip down the rabbit hole is not for the faint of heart, but it is one that everyone concerned about life, law and the constitution should gird themselves to take.
About the Author
Thomas M. Powers is a practicing attorney with a background in English constitutional history and history of our bill of rights, and was a research attorney for an appellate court. He carefully researched this book over a five year period, travelling to libraries from Richmond, Virginia to Boston Massachusetts.