Morning and Evening Meditations from the Word of God

Education, Challenge, Inspiration, and Encouragement

by Michael J. Akers and Ryan M. Akers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/18/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781490829180
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781490829197

About the Book

From the 2014 two-a-day Morning and Evening Meditations from the Word of God, author Michael Akers, along with new insights from his son Ryan Akers, have taken the best of those 732 meditations and published this onea- day book, now 366 meditations. The intent of each meditation remains to educate and encourage readers every day from the Word of God.

About the Author

MICHAEL J. AKERS has served in active ministry for over 40 years, mostly as an adult Bible teacher and lay pastor. In 2002, he became an ordained pastor through the Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA International, Bradley, IL). He and his wife, Mary, live in Peoria, AZ and are members of Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV). INSPIRATION U.S. $58.95 MICHAEL J. AKERS AND RYAN M. AKERS RYAN M. AKERS currently studies graduate divinity and theology at Grand Canyon Theological Seminary in Phoenix, AZ. He has B.A. degrees in English literature a nd j ournalism f rom I ndiana University. P revious w ork i ncludes video production, marketing/corporate communications, and creative writing. He serves in operations and pastoral care at Christ’s Church of the Valley in Peoria, AZ.