Table of Contents
How Does This Work?
When Is The Best Time To Do This?
Prayer of Dedication
Week 1: What Is A Worldview?
Week 2: Is There Only One Truth?
Week 3: Why Spend Time With God?
Week 4: Who Are The People God Can Use?
Week 5: Who Is Jesus?
Week 6: How Can You Be Changed?
Week 7: How Can A Family Follow God?
When A Child Is Ready
Focus Group Evaluation
Why Stop Here?
Week 1, Day 1: What Is A Worldview?
What is your favorite food? What is your favorite outfit? Who is in your family? What is one thing you do at work, school, or home? What is your favorite
movie? Game? What is your favorite song or type of music? What church do you go to? Who is your best friend?
All of these things shape what is called a “worldview.” Does anyone in your family wear glasses? When someone sees things around them as fuzzy or blurry,
they get glasses to help them see more clearly. A worldview helps us see the world more clearly and make decisions easier. It helps us decide what is good
to eat, what to wear, what to do with our time, how to treat other people, and how to think about things. We learn how to do all of this from our family,
friends, teachers, church, and from other things we watch and hear.
Read Galatians 5-6. What should be the attitude of a forgiven believer looking at those fallen in the world?
Speaking about 5- to 12-year-olds, George Barna said, “…if you want to shape a person’s life—whether you are most concerned about his or her moral,
spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional or economic development—it is during these crucial eight years that lifelong habits values, beliefs and
attitudes are formed.”
God’s Word (the Bible) answers questions on how to treat others, how to use our time, or how to think about things. Often, the answers God’s Word provides
will be different from what some music, movies, games, and people around us say. Remember that God always knows best. Read Galatians 6:9 (NIV): “Let us not
become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Ask God to help you follow Him. Pray that others may see
God’s way.
On the Road Family Challenge: Your mission is for everyone to make a list (or pictures) of things they see that are different from what God’s Word (the
Bible) teaches. If you have very young kids, be sure to include them. They may surprise you. Lists don’t have to be perfect. Everyone just do your best.
Report day is Day 5.
Weapon Check: God’s Word is like a sword that fights for the truth and defends against lies (Ephesians 6:17; Proverbs 5:4; Matthew 4:1-11). It’s important
to memorize it to have it when you need it. Memorize Romans 12:2 (NIV) a few words at a time. Start today with: “Do not conform.” Conform means to make
look like someone or something else. When pressed into a cookie cutter, play dough conforms to it.
Week 1, Day 6 (Optional): When Is The Best Time To Read The Bible?
Read Psalm 42:1-2 (NIV): “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I
go and meet with God?” Time spent reading God’s Word and praying could be first thing in the morning (Psalm 119:147). It could be as you go to bed at night
(Psalm 119:55). Find a time that works for you and stick with it. Know that you may have to change your habits (maybe set your alarm earlier) to make sure
you get your time with God every day. Your dedicated Bible reading and prayer time could be early, late, or in the middle, but be faithful. The important
thing is to give your day to the Lord and spend time each day in His Word. Read Psalm 119:16 (NIV): “I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your
word.” Give your day and your time to God. Present your requests before Him and thank Him in advance for answering your prayers. Ask Him to give you a
hunger for His Word.
Read Psalm 119:89-104. Why is reading the Bible so important?