On the Back Side of Nowhere

Stories of Grace from a Desert Rest Stop

by Dane E. Miller



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/29/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490849331
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490849348
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490849355

About the Book

Too often, the demands of pastoral ministry in a small community can bury a person’s soul under the rubble of countless needs and not enough solutions. These stories, taken from thirty years of ministry in an isolated, desert community with a diverse population, offer points of hope in the middle of struggle for those in similar situations. Although the details of life are random, there is a connection across the stories where grace and mercy brought hope and renewed eyes rested by time in the community. This is no step-by-step program for improvement—just a simple trek alongside others encountering grace and mercy together. Along with sadness there is joy. Coupled with laughter there are points of mourning. Throughout the book is the story unfolds of a pastor who learned to stay and be changed by grace.
“Dane Miller wrote the most rewarding and enriching account of a desert oasis in Rest Stop! I learned the idea of reciprocity of confession and forgiveness. This is real living without pretense! It ought to be celebrated by all!”
—Isaac M. Kikawada, retired, Near Eastern Studies,
University of California, Berkeley

“On the Back Side of Nowhere meets life head-on—life that could be described as ‘theology with calluses.’ It is unscripted, off-key, and covered with spiritual warts. It is pastor-shepherd and a flock of unruly sheep at their most honest.”
—Nik Ripken, author of The Insanity of God
and The Insanity of Obedience,
has lived most of the last thirty years
overseas with his family.

About the Author

Having completed his PhD at the University of Arizona, Dane Miller has served as pastor to Serenity Baptist Church, west of Tucson, since 1984. He and his wife, Mary C., have three children and four grandchildren. Running in the early mornings in the desert keeps him fit; being a pastor keeps him young at heart!