The One Who Is

The Doctrine and Existence of God

by Dr. Kenny Rhodes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/27/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781490864907
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781490864914
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781490864891

About the Book

This book is a comprehensive and concise treatment of the philosophical, theological and biblical issues related to the doctrine of God. Within its pages the nature, existence, and tri-unity of God are presented in an understandable and clear manner. The author’s objective was to hold in highest regard the text of Holy Scripture while reflecting the biblical position of the historic orthodox faith. The book’s tone is polemic and passionate, sincere and scholarly with a commitment to communicate the truth of God’s Word with simplicity and profundity. Also, between its covers, you will find a wealth of information with numerous references and explanatory notes for clarification and further personal study.

The book is arranged around the concept of the term “logos” which suffixes many other words and turns them into fields of study, as in the phrase “theology” (Theos-logos). The term “Logos” refers to the concepts of epistemology, ontology, and hermeneutics. Applied to the doctrine of God, its organization deals with “Knowing God,” “the Being of God,” and “Communicating God.” This corresponds to Thomas Aquinas’s approach to understanding God, in the questions: what is God (we define God by negation, what He is not); how do we know God (we know him by His effects); how do you communicate or explain God (God is communicated to us by His names, that is, His attributes). The book, furthermore, presents a classic and newly reworked argument for the existence of God called “the Existential Argument,” which is based on the notion of being.

About the Author

Kenny Rhodes is an ordained Southern Baptist pastor with 24 plus years in the ministry. He serves as President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Scofield Graduate School and Seminary, Modesto, CA. Pastor Kenny has two earned doctorates in religious education and theology/apologetics and loves to study physics and cosmology to supplement his theological understanding.

He truly believes that God is the author of Scripture and Science, as well as Faith and Reason, and that the grace of God touches them both. Kenny has been married to Tami since 1994 and they have three wonderful children: