Pete and His Gigantic Feet

by Carrie Talbott & Illustrated by James W. Elston



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/29/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 22
ISBN : 9781490854809
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 20
ISBN : 9781490854793

About the Book

Gigantic feet. New sandals. Bullies. Pete’s feet don’t stink, but being made fun of sure does. When the teasing at school becomes too much, Pete’s daily visit to the woods becomes more than just a fun detour. Empathetic friends encourage him back to the playground, but will his new plan to quiet the bullies actually work?

“In rhyming text for children, and with the help of clever animals, Carrie has managed to deliver a powerful message of God’s creative love for all of us.”

Dandi Daley Mackall, author of more than 450 books for children and adults

“Pete and His Gigantic Feet is not only a delight to read, it carries a strong message that children will identify with. It’s a message they will carry with them into the classroom and onto the playground.”

Sally E. Stuart, author Founder of Christian Writers Market Guide

“Carrie’s delightful, fun-to-read picture book--written with rhythm, rhyme and personality plus--deals with the serious theme of “hurtful teasing” in an honest, yet encouraging manner. Great fun, great theme, great characters! HOORAY for Pete and his Gigantic Feet!”

Christine Tangvald, author of 90 picture books for children

About the Author

Carrie Talbott grew up in the woods. And she has big feet. Though she never made friends with eagles, she had plenty of encounters with armed skunks and feisty raccoons. Originally from Mount Hermon, California, she and her husband have two blond boys with big feet. They surf, live, and serve in Baja, Mexico.