A Personal Note…..xi
How to Use this Devotional Guide…..xiii
Week 1: What’s Happened to Me?
Day 1 Forgiveness…..2
Day 2 The Holy Spirit…..4
Day 3 The Church…..6
Day 4 The Old Nature…..8
Day 5 Disciples of Jesus…..10
Day 6 God Wants Babies to Grow…..12
Day 7 Prerequisites to Growth…..14
Week 2: A Follower of Jesus
Day 8 His Relationship with God…..18
Day 9 His Humility…..20
Day 10 His Self-denial…..22
Day 11 His Integrity…..24
Day 12 His Compassion…..26
Day 13 His Love…..28
Day 14 His Purpose…..30
Week 3: The Inner Life
Day 15 The Heart…..34
Day 16 Avenue: The Word…..36
Day 17 Avenue: Prayer….38
Day 18 Faith…..40
Day 19 Faith, part two….42
Day 20 Hope…..44
Day 21 Resurrection and Justice…..46
Week 4: Basic Morality
Day 22 The Heart of Obedience…..50
Day 23 The Obedience of Faith…..52
Day 24 Off with the Old, On with the New…..54
Day 25 Imitating God in Daily Life…..56
Day 26 Living Right in Special Relationships…..58
Day 27 A Life that Pleases God…..60
Day 28 Your Job…..62
Week 5: When I Fail
Day 29 The Christian and Sin…..66
Day 30 Nature of Sin…..68
Day 31 Grace, Part One…..70
Day 32 Grace, Part Two…..72
Day 33 Grace, Part Three…..74
Day 34 Repentance…..76
Day 35 Confession…..78
Week 6: The Family
of God
Day 36 What A Church Family Is…..82
Day 37 What A Church Family Is For…..84
Day 38 The Church as a Body…..86
Day 39 One Another Relationships, Part One…..88
Day 40 One Another Relationships, Part Two…..90
Day 41 Love One Another…..92
Day 42 Worship and Assembly…..94
Week 7: Service and Mission
Day 43 Servant…..98
Day 44 God’s Mission in the World100…..p>
Day 45 Doing Good and Sharing…..102
Day 46 Spreading the Good News…..104
Day 47 Maturing Others…..106
Day 48 Nurturing…..108
Day 49 Empowered by God…..110
Day 50 What Now? …..113
Day 1 Forgiveness
1 Your baptism was the key turning point in your journey to
be right with God. When you were baptized—at that very
moment—God forgave you for every wrong thing you have ever
done (Acts 2:38; 22:16). What was that like for you? Take a few
moments and write about it on page ix if you haven’t already.
2 We sometimes have difficulty forgiving ourselves for certain wrong things we have done.God, however, delights to forgive us(Psalm 103:813; Luke 15:47). His view of us is more significant than the way we may feel about ourselves, and he new views you
as a perfectly clean, forgiven person.
3 What are some things you are especially thankful that you have
now been forgiven for?
4 Let’s not take his forgiveness for granted. Our attitude should
be like that of the woman in Luke 7:36-50. How would you
describe her attitude?