Jesus took His position in the midst of opposition. He understood what opposition meant and also knew that until He conquers His opposition, He cannot take His position. A lot of Christians are sitting for years in most of our Churches, wasting their God given lives, intimidated by the success of others; and never willing to make a step in what God has called them to do; for fear of failure. Fear is an opposition and until fear is conquered, our societies will continue to be in the hands of the enemy. Many of us have seated so long that the willingness or zeal to stand is no longer there; so we are waiting for rapture to transport us to Heaven. But I found out in the Word that even in Heaven reward is based on what you did on earth, and moreover, we are not going to stay there forever. We are coming back here to rule and reign with Christ. It is not the will of God for a born again child of God to sit all his/her life time in the Church warming the chair until he/she dies and come back to Heaven. You are born of the Spirit of God for work on earth, and nobody will do what God has called you to do, except you. It is only in our generation that you see men and women born of the Spirit of God, waiting 10 years, 20 year and even 30 years on God. It is good to wait on God and prepare yourself for whatever He has called you to do; but that does not mean that you will sit down in a Church for 10 years and above, feeding on the Word of God from the pulpit and never step out to practice all that you have heard. The purpose of the pulpit is to feed you and raise you with the uncompromising Word of God. And then you go out in the society where people are hurting and put to practice what you have learned. You go out and be a World changer. But whereby you sit in the church for years without work, you will never be blessed, because your blessing is in what you do Peter, James, John and the rest of the Apostles were only three and half years with Jesus. When the Holy Ghost came upon them after those years with Jesus, they did not go home and tell everyone how awesome the service was with fire. No! They went straight and did what they were called to do. The moment they stepped out, the power they received started to do the work and proved that they had an encounter with God. When Saul had an encounter with God on the road to Damascus, he did not wait 10 years; he went straight after few days and proved that he had an encounter with God. Cities were turned upside down because of these men and women of God. Men tried to stop Saul known as Paul, by not accepting him, just like they did to Jesus. But that did not stop Paul (Acts 9:26). Church people of those days tried to stop Paul. They were afraid of Paul’s past life just like so many religious people of our time are doing. This attitude has buried many gifts that God delivered from hell to help humanity. Thank God for Barnabas who took Paul to the Apostles and accepted him. They protected Paul and helped him escape death. We need Barnabas in our generation who really understands 2 Corinthians 5:17. You might be in a wrong group right now where no one accepts your calling; don’t give up on God; find the right people who fear God and are not afraid of your gift. Find people who will encourage you and help you achieve what God has called you to do.
Imagine if Paul was stopped? The Church of Jesus could have lost such a great gift to the body of Christ. Paul wrote more than half of the New Testament. Do not bury your gift because of the rejection of men; you might be the next Paul in your society. Rise up and take your position, regardless of what people might call you or say.