At the Bema all work done by the Divine means (in the Spirit) will abide longer than gold, for it will abide the life time of the eternal Spirit. All work done for the Divine motive (love for God) will abide longer than silver, for it will abide as long as love. All work done in the Divine manner that becometh the Son of God, will abide longer than precious stones for it will radiate the life time of the Son of God.
Whilst we are still in the flesh, and realizing that we were not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold from our vain manner of conversation, but with the precious blood of our Lord, we pass the time of our sojourn in fear of displeasing our Lord, “and seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” He.12:1 Yea, for the joy that is set before us of seeing our Lord the author and finisher of our faith, we endure our cross despising the shame, and lest we be wearied and faint in our minds we consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself.” Heb.12:1-3
Let us speak forth for God not with a haughty spirit, but be poor in spirit, then we can comfort them who mourn and we shall be kept meek to possess all the earth without it possessing us. Let us hunger and thirst to do right at all times and our lives will be filled with opportunities and God who has been merciful to us will further be merciful and enable us to show mercy to others. With pure hearts, free of imperfections and perfect with God we shall see and know the Lord God.
Let us like Caleb with another Spirit, wholly follow the Lord and possess our possessions, and wholeheartedly exclaim – 'Give Me That Mountain,'”that place high above all in thought, word and deed; above all in love, life and happiness.
Then, having overcome and conquered all that would oppose us from entering that rest of God, each of us like the apostle Paul recall saying –I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith, hence forth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness” 2Tim.4:7-8, and in love for the Lord’s coming, be ready to be offered up, the Spirit of God testifying with our spirit that before our departure we had this testimony, that we pleased God.
Then we will have an abundantly sweet entrance into the presence of the Lord God.
It will be sweet to know that we are safe at last: safe and sound in the presence of the Lord.
It will be sweet to see Him as He is and be like Him
It will be sweet to hear Him say - ‘well done my good and faithful servant’
It will be sweet to be crowned for having loved the Lord and been faithful in trials, in enduring temptation, in suffering and in striving for mastery of doing right the right way.
It will be sweet to enter into paradise and to eat of the tree of eternal life, and relish the hidden manna (sweet communion with the Lord). Then to receive the power (right) to rule. Then to rejoice in the white raiment suitably entwined with his righteousnesses, and then to rejoice in the position as a pillar in the temple of God and in his place with our Lord on His throne.
What a privilege it will be to lay our crowns at His feet, for they are His by right.
Such position, power, possessions, and privileges and such a prize no man ever deserved, yet this is our right by birth into the family of God.
Will we receive our birthright in vain?
Will we receive our birthright to gain and win the battle for right, and win the unrighteous to righteousness and win the prize for fulfilling our purpose of being created and win the prize of the high calling of God in Christ ? We were