The Hour of Degeneration
“When I Was Daily with You in the Temple, Ye Stretched Forth No Hands Against Me: But This Is Your Hour, and the Power of Darkness.” (Luke 22:53; KJV)
Book Details
About the Book
Jesus reveals to us in Luke 17:22–30 that before His return, the world’s sinful state would be synonymous with the days of Noah and Lot—who dwelled in Sodom (Genesis 19:1–30)—thus the people would be going about their business as usual (cf. Matthew 24:34–44). However, sin’s deteriorating effect on this world will someday closeout, and Christ will return “with power and great glory” (Matthew 24:30) putting an end to this world’s system that is under Satan’s authority (Ephesians 2:1–3). It is my intention to get the reader to see that the times in which we live are serious and critical. These are dangerous times and we must be alert—watching and praying (Mark 13: 33ff). We must become the true people of God (the household of faith that is in Christ Jesus) and not just following after every wind and doctrine taught by false prophets and false teachers. It is my prayer that this book enlightens and gives the reader more knowledge about the perilous times in which we live.
About the Author
Twyman Preston Joyner has a master’s degree in theology and a doctorate degree in divinity. He is the author of his first book, His Mighty Word of Power. He is a theologian and is presently overseeing a theological Bible group. Thus, he is fulfilling his call to bring correction, with the Bible as his criterion. He is a husband and a father who loves the Bible and the truths that are written therein. He presently lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He has been a Christian for over thirty-three years.