The Circumcised Heart

Ready, Imperfect, Softened, Transparent

by Marilyn O. Flower



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/25/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9781512760828
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9781512760811
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9781512760835

About the Book

The Circumcised Heart: Ready, Imperfect, Softened, Transparent is based on the author’s life and describes how biblical literacy transformed her heart and led to a much stronger and deeper relationship with God. Specific personal memoirs which describe how God worked in her life drawing her closer to him as she became more dependent upon him portray steady character growth. Angry with God because he had not answered her prayers at times as she wished, she was unable to deny him or remain angry, because he was so active in her life, revealing himself miraculously and mysteriously at times. Through his perfect love and the Bible, God showed her how a relationship with him lasts a lifetime and is for eternity. God used the author’s heartache to drive her to seek him and through everyday occurrences made himself visible and ever-present, so that now she relies constantly on him, his Word, and the Holy Spirit for comfort, protection, and guidance.

About the Author

Because of a physical healing, a deep spiritual longing, and her husband’s encouragement, Marilyn O. Flower, newly retired from a teaching career, entered theological college in 2005. In January 2008, shortly after graduating with a Master of Theological Studies degree, she had a supernatural experience while pouring out her heart to God. Her thesis, “The Woman Clothed by the Sun with the Moon under Her Feet: A Postcolonial African/Western Contextual Discussion of Revelation 12,” published in 2010 by Lambert Academic Publishing, led to thoughts of further theological study and writing. Debate around the inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible led her to get to know God and the Bible better. Intense Bible study, prayer, and travel to Israel grew her faith in God to a complete trust in him. Her desire is to love God and faithfully serve him through studying and disseminating his Word.