Are you serious about wanting to be married? If this is your goal, Help! I'm Really Single can immediately begin to guide you towards a much wiser and purposeful dating strategy. Like a survival guide, you will discover some practical insights for navigating the 21st century singles scene and finding the right person. Dr. Bobby Brewer, who has over 15 years of experience as a single adults pastor shares his practical advice for these questions which will not only save you from a lot of unnecessary heartache but will also guide you towards marriage through purposeful dating.
How can I become more attractive?
Are you purposefully or aimlessly dating?
How can I make the most of matchmaking services?
Since sex is so important, shouldn’t we know if we're compatible before we get married?
What's so bad about friends with benefits?
How can I put an end to my datelessness?
Does God really expect me to be thankful for being single?
Are you measuring your self-worth based upon your relationship status?
Single bars and clubs will increase my odds of meeting someone; right
Are you on the rebound?
Are you still legally married?
What can I do to truly find the right person?
Can you make a lifelong commitment to one person?
Are they in an unusual rush to get married?
How can I meet the right person?
Are your standards too high?
How do you guard your heart while dating?
Is it ok to pray for a particular person to fall in love with me?
Will my struggle with sexual temptation end when I get married?
How far is too far?
Should you ever get back together with someone who cheated on you?
As a way to help divorce proof our marriage, what do you think about living together first?
I was dumped but I’m still in love and believe that we should be together. What should I do to convince them that we were meant for each other?
How do you move on after the person you wanted to marry breaks up with you?
Is it ok to date someone who’s going through a divorce?
How do I know if they’re the one I should marry?
"This book is a remarkable resource for anyone trying to make sense of the many questions surrounding the complexity of developing healthy relationships in the postmodern world."
- Dr. Terry Crist, Pastor, City of Grace
"Brewer provides not only hope, but also invaluable wisdom for today’s Christian single."
-Dr. Darryl DelHousaye, President of Phoenix Seminary
“For many Christians, the status 'single' represents a scarlet “s”. Why me? When will things change? What does God want from me? With candor, simplicity, and a heavy dose of wisdom from the handbook for living, Dr. Brewer reaches out and offers both hope and help. This book is not written from a distance, but rather it comes from one who has personal experience as a pastor and counselor to thousands of singles."
-Dr. Jason Fritz, Teaching Pastor, Highlands Church
“Dr. Brewer’s book is a huge need in our society today. As a single woman myself, there is little, to no, material really hitting the "hard" truths of the single life. The format of questions and answers are thought provoking and relevant. As I read the questions and the points he discusses, I would nod my head and say "yes, that's right on!" Every single adult, regardless of age, needs to read this book.”
-Barb Pruitt, Chief Operating Officer, Faith Builder’s International Ministries
“Dr. Brewer’s book will provide singles with a much wiser approach in their dating and relationship choices.”
-Cinthia Hiett, MC, LPC Cinthia Hiett Inc.
"This book is unique, as Dr. Brewer clearly does not shy away from any topic or question. Everything is on the table."
- Dr. Kyle DiRoberts, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Phoenix Seminary.