Lesson #3,
How do I know God loves me? (…a super important curious question!! You don’t want to miss this!)
How do I know God loves me?
Maybe that’s one of your questions, too. It was one of mine. It’s one of the very first questions you have to ask when you are learning to think.
Let’s say you are just going along one day, having fun with your friends. Maybe you’re at school, or maybe you’re playing outside at someone’s house. Everything is great! You know what I mean? And then something happens, something not so great. Something that is, in fact, a teensy, tiny bit irritating. Maybe it’s something like your best friend says you’re bossy or your best friend starts being bossy. Suddenly, you go from having so much fun to having no fun, at all. Your feelings are hurt, and you’re so mad that you have to go home!
That’s when you know it’s time to choose your thoughts!
Don’t worry. You’ll know when the time comes. It’s easy, because it’s basically any time you have a problem. As soon as I think I have a problem or a question that I just don’t know the answer to, the first thing I always do is ask myself this question, “Does God love me?” I know the answer is yes. But, sometimes I need to think it through and that brings us back to our question for today, how do I know God loves me?
Well, for starters, as soon as I ask, God tells me He loves me. It’s kind of like an echo. Have you ever heard an echo? It’s kind of like that. One time, He answered before I even finished asking, “God, do you love me?” Before I said two words, I heard His answer in my heart, “Yes, Emily,” He said. “I love you. I’ve always loved you, and I will never stop loving you. My love for you is bigger than the sky over your head, an, just like the sky covers you and is with you everywhere you go, I am with you and my love is with you, everywhere you go.”
Sometimes God doesn’t even say anything, I just know. One time when I was feeling sad, a butterfly landed next to me. It opened its little wings and I saw beautiful flashes of blue and black. I felt so happy inside! I knew it was just a little reminder from God that He loves me.
God’s Word tells me He loves me. There are so many verses in the Bible where God tells us and shows us that He loves us. Several of the verses are in this book! Because like I said, knowing God loves you is the first step in learning how to think!
So let’s review, and see if you got it. How do you know God loves you? He tells you as soon as you ask. Before you even get the question out, you will know in your heart, deep down inside, that God loves you. And, even if you’re not sure about that, His Word tells you He loves you. And hey! I’m telling you - God loves you!
Now, it’s your turn. Go ahead—ask God if He loves you. I bet you’ll hear the answer before you even finish the question—just like an echo. God will tell you He loves you. Go on. Ask Him. You’ll see!
Something to Think About:
Yes I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38
In My Own Words: Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever going to take God’s love away from me. Nothing. No way. No how.
Something to Fun to Do:
1. Take your arms and spread them as far apart as you can. As far away as they might be, they are still connected to your body. See what I mean?
It’s the same with God’s love. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. No matter what you do or how far away you try to go, God will not stop loving you. No matter how you look or how you feel. You cannot lose God’s love. Even if you don’t love God, He still loves you. Even if you get mad at God, He still loves you. Nothing you do or anyone else does will ever change God’s love for you. God loves you, no matter what—forever.
Choose Your Thoughts:
The next time you wonder whether or not God loves you, stretch your arms as wide apart as they will go and remember that nothing can separate you from God’s love.
Now it’s your turn!
Write Romans 8:38 in your own words or use your favorite Bible translation: