My preview text is: Many of the prophesies about the Last Days have been fulfilled. We now find ourselves deep in the Last Days, with the seconds ticking down until Jesus comes back for His Church. So why is the Christian Church in America seemingly absent concerning the critical issues facing the Church today like abortions on demand, which now we are all required to pay, in the Healthcare mandate and the Homosexual agenda, which God hates. Why have we not been about our Father’s business? Why have we not been outspoken and made our voices heard in the public square and all the way up to highest levels of the government? The Church for the most part has been silent on these issues because our government, these factions and the media have made it politically and socially unacceptable to speak out against them. That should NOT have silenced us!
We are Christian’s and also American Citizens so why haven’t we been up in arms about the Healthcare program, tax increases, out of control spending, illegal immigration, open boarders, voter fraud and other issues? I believe the combination of us working too hard to pay attention as we should, allowing the government to make decisions for us and being too afraid of what the government will do to us so we give up without a fight. Again that should NOT have silenced us!
The Holy Spirit has inspired me to awaken the Church to the perils that the Church is faces in the Last Days. Once the Church is focused on these issues then we must strengthen the Church with the Bible, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Once we educate ourselves on these important works then we find out the enormous power we have from on high, in God and the power we have from down here with our Constitution and Bill of Rights! We should prepare our good men for the ministry and our best men for politics. We can begin our Christian Renaissance by revitalizing our base. This is what the Body of Christ really wants and has been waited for, which is leadership with a purpose in a Godly direction.
Christian churches should begin to connect with ALL other Christian churches in the community and county so that we can conduct marches and demonstrations in order for the community to see what we stand for. We will send tens of millions of emails, letters and phone calls to Senators, Congressmen all the way down to Mayors to let them know what we want and what we stand for. We will vote as Jesus would vote. If they don’t listen to us then we vote them out. In unison we make our voices heard all the way up to the top and we vote as one man. We continue to vote as one until we regain the conservative majority and we never let go and forever stay vigilant against the liberals. Together we win!!!
The Church for the most part has made itself so unnecessary to the community that most in the government would hope we would just disappear. The Church should not be the little building on the corner that is used only a couple of hours on Sundays. The Church should be a vibrant hub of action that is essential first to the congregation specifically and secondarily to the community at large. America’s youth are the most liberal generation in our Country’s history therefore we should begin our campaign with the education of all of our Believers then take it to the streets and companies sharing our love of Jesus for all to see. Once the community sees how lovingly we address crucial community issues many will want to see what we do on Sunday sending our attendance up. As our plan begins to unfold there are many companies in our communities that will donate to our cause making this a charitable foundation that the communities will want forever.
This Operation 180 will grow our churches, our tithes and our political clout. This will be a win-win for the Church and the community. The Church will serve the tenets of our faith through “Loving our neighbors as ourselves” and the great commission which is sharing the Gospel.
Operation 180 explains how the Christian can navigate in the Last Days when the Bible states we are moving into troubled times. This is not the season to be mindlessly wasting time but redeeming the time for the Lord so that when Jesus comes for His Church He will find us diligently being about the Father’s business. Those that have a heart for God will see and feel the wisdom of these words and begin to work harder than ever getting people ready for the Bridegroom.
The Bible states that there is a season for everything and it is healthy to have a balanced lifestyle but where is our heart for the Lord when we live for sports, live for computer games, etc., we miss the purpose we were created for which is to serve the Creator. It is as if we are on the deck of the Titanic having the time of our lives little knowing it will cost us our lives. Now is the season for preparing our hearts for the Lord and sharing that with others so they have a chance at eternal life with the Lord too!
Imagine if you will Noah’s wife saying to Noah, “No more talk about rain and rising water you are just scaring people. Seriously Noah when have you ever heard of there being such a rain?” It is by faith he moved and it is by faith we must build our house on the Rock and prepare our hearts for our Redeemer. Let us be sober minded, putting away foolish things. Let us ever-vigilant waiting, praying and looking for Jesus and not be like the second 5 Virgins who foolishly were found to be without oil when Jesus came.