Why Are You Why You Are?

by G. S. Stewart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/28/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781512712599
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781512712582
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781512712605

About the Book

God’s Holy Spirit Is Calling

God the Father of the Holy Bible is the King of freedom of choice.

Are you blocking His “Text”? You’re not taking calls? You’re not answering the door when He knocks? Would you prefer Him to leave a voicemail, and you’ll deal with it later? What if later is too late?

Insurance companies spend millions to convince us with endless commercials that if we are not covered under their protection, we may be very sorry one day. We have a tendency to believe all those what-ifs.

Why not add “God Insurance” to your portfolio? Coverage under His plan is paid in full, the policy never runs out, and the benefits are endless and eternal. You always have a direct line to speak with Him.

YRU YUR? The answer is that God made you a one-of-a-kind soul. There is no one else alive or deceased with your fingerprint. He has known you from the moment you were created. No one on earth knows you as He does. He wants to gather your soul back to Him when your time on earth is complete. Discover why He made you and the quantum difference you can make in your portion of history and time.

He wrote one Book, the Bible, summarizing how to achieve a peaceful and healthy spirit and soul on earth no matter what we may face in life. Open this book and read the first page to find out just a few of the reasons why you may want to consider that the Bible is The Truth of God.

About the Author

G. S. Stewart grew up in Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, and currently lives in the northwoods of Illinois. She has two sons, both married, and so far has been blessed with two grandchildren. She considers her highest level of education to be an associate degree from HSU (Holy Spirit University) and aspires toward continuing and ongoing guidance and inspiration.