Understanding Diseases of the Human Body and Spirit

Perspectives of a Christian Pathologist

by Dr. Hak Fai Chiu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/30/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781490895833
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781490895826
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781490895840

About the Book

Understanding Diseases of the Human Body and Spirit explores the congruence between the physical and spiritual dimensions of diseases. Illnesses are caused by genetic aberrations, environmental agents, pathogenic microbes, circulatory disturbances, unregulated tumor growths or abnormal immune reactions. The author, an experienced pathologist and life-long student of the Bible, explains how correlating factors are operative in producing humankind’s spiritual infirmities.

Narratives of pathological events in the body aptly illustrate and enhance understanding of scriptural teachings regarding the broken relationship of sinful humanity with God, the restoration of this relationship through salvation in Jesus Christ, the believers’ continual growth in spiritual health through the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the real hope of glorious transformation of their bodies in the hereafter.

Dr. Chiu also contributes unique insights into subject matters which have engaged and troubled the minds of the sick, their loved ones, as well as theologians, pastors, bioethicists, lay-Christian workers and healthcare providers. These include the relationship between sin and disease, the perception of injustice when disease strikes (“why me?”), the significance of a person’s life-history and value-systems to the experience of disease, the meaning of the biblical promise of healing, as well as homosexuality and the Bible, and the place of miracle cures.

Take better care of your health by understanding the nature of diseases. Be inspired to pursue spiritual health in Christ which transcends illnesses and death.

About the Author

Dr. Hak Fai Chiu is an eminent pathologist, having taught in medical schools, published research papers, headed hospitals’ pathology department and directed private clinical diagnostic laboratories in Hong Kong and Canada. He also served as Special Consultant to Dr. Margaret Chan (the current Director General of the World Health Organization), and as CEO of the Hong Kong Baptist Hospital. He now resides in Toronto, fulfilling his dream of authoring books on subjects close to his heart.