Living in God's Light

by Lynda Jeannine Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/1/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9781490886046
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9781490886022
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9781490886039

About the Book

It’s easy to lead a Christian life when things are going well in your world. But what happens when things come along that rock your boat or when you face ridicule or persecution because of your faith? Are you prepared to stand firm in faith and act in ways that are pleasing to God and that He can bless? In Lynda Brown’s Living In God’s Light, you will find sound insight on how to handle life’s toughest challenges in ways that please God and emerge victorious with stronger faith and a deeper relationship with God. In a delightful and sometimes humorous way, Brown tells how God became very real to her and led her through some interesting and tough experiences to a true understanding of His amazing love and faithfulness. Her message will encourage you to fight the good fight and stand firm in faith as you grow in a meaningful and more profound relationship with God. The special “Reflection” sections will help you to ponder the main points of each chapter and personally apply them to your own life. Warmly written and filled with meaningful Scriptures, Living in God’s Light is a challenging and timely message that is meant to make you laugh, cry, think, and follow God with a new awareness and commitment.

About the Author

Lynda Brown has a master’s degree in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern University and has worked as a teacher, school administrator, and School Liaison Officer for the U.S. Navy during which time she was nominated for the prestigious Spirit of Hope award. She has served in various roles within the church and as a speaker, countywide prayer coordinator, and retreat leader.