I Died but Lived to Tell My Story
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a story of how one man experienced many tragedies and struggles as a young boy through adulthood. His story is an inspiration to anyone who is living or has lived through similar experiences.
In reading about the author’s life experiences, you may feel a connection or conviction, but know that God will carry you through your struggles to help with your own experiences.
Testimony: I finished your book AGAIN today and don't know if I ever told you that I enjoyed it so much that I've highlighted so many parts it looks like a coloring book now! I remember some of the stories just like they were yesterday. Your book truly shows that God is in control and if we have faith in him our hardships along with our happiness are to bring us closer to him. One sentence that sticks in my mind - "Don't let the hearse be the only ride that takes you to church." God Bless Lorie H.
About the Author
The author was born on a small mill village in Clinton, South Carolina. He experienced many tragedies in his life that lead him to the light.