Many desire to live a meaningful life, some seek for a significance life, and some an extraordinary life. But there’s only two ways of life, the good path or the bad. The choice is up to each individual to choose the paths that has the most meaning—for that person and the life they desire to live. Can a Christian live a meaningful, significant and extraordinary life? Yes.
For every living soul, the journey starts with a single step to the path that has meaning to them. And with that being said—it doesn’t make it the right path to life, it’s the path they desire to live. And many of us have taken the first step already—and that was to the road of repentance—turning from darkness, and into the light. This is a very important decision we all have made, and for some, it is a life time goal, to win soul for Christ—for others, its serving. Is winning souls for Christ Jesus something you take very seriously? It should be. You need to ask yourself this question: What would I be doing at this moment if someone hadn’t shared the Gospel with me—if Christ were not in my life? If that’s not an eye-opener for you, think about where you would be if the person who shared the word of God with you had never received salvation. Would you be absolutely sure that if you died without knowing Christ, you would go to heaven? Am I making you think? I hope so. Because if that were the case with me, I would be deep in darkness—or dead without Christ, swimming in pain in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone (Rev. 21:8). God’s master plan for me was an invisible path. Before I came to Christ, in my foolish thinking and planning—I thought I had it all work out. A path of pure sin, God had no place in it. I was living with my High School girlfriend Maria at the time. Her family took off from New York to start a new life in California. We follow, it was there—that I was invited to a small church. I loved the atmosphere at the church, but there was no true connection for me—in Christ. We lived in California for about six months, and found ourselves coming back to live in New York. My Mom was happy to see me again; my Mom would always say that she pray to God, and Him to keep me safe. My Mom owned a family business, and I ended up working for my Mom, at the Cleaners. Maria was with child, I was so excited about her being pregnant and being a father, I wanted to be the father that my father wasn’t to me. My father abandons my mother and left her with the responsibility of raising three children by herself.
With Maria carrying our child, I wanted to be the best father I could be, so I made a deal with God. I ask God to give me a child with no health problems, and in return I would never smoke another cigarette in my life. Now keep in mind, I didn’t give my life to Christ yet, but I found myself trying to communicate with God a number of times. Nine months later Dennis Jr. was born, and my girlfriend Maria and I got a one bedroom apartment, but just a year down the road, Maria and I went our separate ways, it was a very sad time for me. What I was hoping Dennis Jr. wouldn’t experience—he did, the separation of parents. I just couldn’t understand it, no matter how I try to work things out and plan my path it didn’t work out. I found myself again, communicating with God again. Made no new deals with God, but was asking God for understanding—I got no answers. It was a path that no matter how hard I try to understand it, I just couldn’t. What I didn’t know was this, God was setting the stage. About two years later down my path, I met Catherine, and this time I was going to try harder to make things work. God’s path for me was set, and the invisible path began for me.
Coming to Christ was not an accident for me. I was rescued, I met Christ on a road to hell, my sister Elba planted the seed, and Pastor Tom Mahairas knocked it out of the park with a great message of repentance and salvation. Christ has a purpose for me, and He has one for you. Some people are afraid to share the word of God, for fear of rejection, but consider this: It’s not you who would be rejected, but the Word of God. (I hope the more I repeat this, the more courageous you’ll feel about sharing the Word.) Just do this—plant the seed. The Holy Spirit will do the watering. I have shared the word of God with many friends and family members and then found out down the road that they later gave their lives to Jesus Christ and received salvation. You can do the same for others, through your actions and your words. The Bible says;
Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. (Dan. 12:3 NASB)
Not everyone is gifted in teaching and sharing God’s Word, but if they are serving God, He has gifted them with their own gift of serving. You might not be the leader at your church, but you are assisting them in the serving at your church. And if they are shining for God so are you. Be thankful to God for allowing you to be a part of the family of Christ.