Dare to Dream

A Search for Conditions of Hope from the Book of Ruth

by Annette Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/16/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781512728118
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781512728125

About the Book

The book looks into the lives of the Bible characters Ruth, Naomi (her mother-in-law), and Boaz (Ruth’s future husband), as they overcome challenging situations and struggle not to allow their hidden hopes and dreams to die without trying to achieve them. The characters purposefully searched for conditions of hope in things they saw, heard about, or perceived to have potential of being beneficial and by accepting wise advice and kindness from other people. The book is encouraging for anyone struggling with situations in life that leave them feeling discouraged and forces them to search for conditions of hope and ways to make their hopes and dreams come true by becoming proactive and working on a plan of action.

Their story is also about relationships, in the natural and spiritual sense, as demonstrated by the connection between them and a kinsman-redeemer who serves to make another person’s life restored and complete. As one reads through the book, he or she gains a sense that more than simply human effort was at work, but it was the hand of God orchestrating every detailed move, and as a result, each character realized and accredited it all to God as being their kinsman-redeemer. Although Boaz assisted in helping Ruth’s family overcome challenges, it was leading them to find a relationship with the true kinsman-redeemer, Jesus the Messiah.

So the questions for the reader are: What is preventing you to Dare to Dream? Why not search for conditions of hope in your situation and make every attempt to fulfill them, because without trying, your hopes and dreams will die? Everyone has hopes and dreams that they hold in their minds and keep silently to themselves. Therefore, when people apply themselves, it becomes possible to move forward to experience at least four types of dreams, such as addressed in the chapters: “Shattered Dreams,” “Working the Dream,” “Rebirth of a Dream,” and “Fulfilled Dreams.”

About the Author

Annette M Brown is a native of Savannah, Georgia. She and her husband, Jeremiah, now resides in Guyton, Georgia. They have been married for forty-three years. They have three grown young adults and two granddaughters. She is an ordained minister of the gospel and serves as associate minister in her local church, serving in many ministerial capacities. She is an inspirational speaker and uses her spiritual gifts of encouragement, teaching, administration, and preaching to help others. She holds a certificate in Biblical Studies from Evan Smith Institute an extension of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University, in Richmond, Virginia. She is a graduate of St Leo University, St Leo, Florida, with a B.A. in Human Resource Administration and a 2013 graduate of Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, with an M.A. in Transformational Leadership. She is the founder and teacher of a women’s leadership training group affectionately named, “The Daughter’s Ministry”.