The Journey
Complete Bible Commentary
Book Details
About the Book
The Journey is a full Bible commentary depicting the continuity of the Old and New Testament. It is designed to be used with your Bible to explain God’s provision for man’s salvation, Christian living, and ultimately being with our Father in Heaven. New Testament passages are used to explain Old Testament passages to bring relevance and explanation about the progression of God’s plan for man through the entire Bible. The Journey invites the reader to take the journey and experience what God’s Word says and instructs the Christian on learning the Bible in a nonacademic setting.
About the Author
I have been a Bible teacher in a Christian church for over thirty years and have noticed people want to know what God’s will is for their life. The reader will discover how the Old Testament and New Testament are contiguous and relevant in our lives today. Christians want to move from their assurance of salvation to a point of using the Bible to grow in their relationship with the Lord. The reader will learn how the Bible can help the Christian live in a fallen world and still experience joy.