The Captain Seeks the Lost

The Captain Chronicles, 1876

by Doris Durbin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/25/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781490885827
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781490885810
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781490885803

About the Book

Captain Harry Richardson, who survived the Civil War, imprisonment, and the Indian Wars, is now serving as a circuit-riding preacher in the North Georgia mountains. As the story opens, his biggest worry is the impending birth of a child. Little does he know that a man from his past has come to Choestoe who will turn his peaceful life upside down and threaten the survival of his family. At the same time, someone in this close-knit community is willing to commit murder to protect secrets from the past, and Harry’s own mistakes may be coming back to haunt him. Finding what was lost may open up a whole new set of problems: Some of the “lost things” don’t want to be found.

About the Author

Doris Durbin was a school librarian who sponsored a writer’s club and produced a literary magazine for many years. When she retired from that profession, she began a new career as a writer. She and her husband, Ed, a retired history teacher, live in the mountains of North Georgia, where history lives on in the memories and stories of many mountain people. In 2009, Ed and Doris co-edited How Firm a Foundation: A History of the First Baptist Church of Blairsville. The stories of early preachers in that book inspired her creation of Captain Harry Richardson, the circuit-riding preacher who is the protagonist of The Captain Chronicles. This is the second book in that series. The first book is called The Captain Takes a Wife.