The Riders of The Apocalypse (6:1-8)
It has been as though one has been listening to a concert in heaven. Revelation 4 and 5 are given to worship and praise of the Creator and the Redeemer respectively. Those who are involved in worship are singing a song only the redeemed can sing. Heaven’s concert is interrupted by the sounds of approaching hoof beats. The four horsemen now ride as Christ the Lamb begins to break the seals of the book. The praise and worship are now suspended for a time as the Tribulation Period begins to unfold and the wrath of the Lamb is revealed upon the earth.
The Rider On The White Horse (1-2)
Many confuse the rider on the white horse as being that of Jesus Christ.
This rider has a bow, Christ has a sword.
This rider has a crown (stephanos), Christ has many crowns (diadema).
This rider is a great imitator of Christ but he is a liar, he is the Antichrist.
He comes with a bow, but has no arrows.
He comes on a platform of peace and unity.
Daniel 9:26-27 – He makes a covenant to protect.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 -- Many will believe lies.
The Antichrist will break his covenant in the middle of the Tribulation Period (week of years) and turn on Israel.
The world is set to accept and receive just such a person who claims he can bring peace.
Professor A.J. Toynbee, Director of Studies in the Royal Institute of International Affairs said, “By forcing on mankind more and more lethal weapons and at the same time making the whole world more and more interdependent economically, technology has brought mankind to such a degree of distress that we are ripe for deifying any new Caesar who might succeed in giving the world unity and peace.”
Leaders push for a one world government.
The Humanist Manifesto drawn up in 1933 and updated in 1973 is being taught in many classrooms promoting humanist religion.
There is today much talk of peace and the way is now being paved for the so called peacemaker to come to the throne as a world dictator.
Matthew 24:5
The Rider On The Red Horse (3-4)
The peace promised by the false, self acclaimed peacemaker does not last.
This peace was only temporary.
This peace was counterfeit like its author.
This will be the war of all wars with untold blood-shed.
Matthew 24:6-7a
Everyone running for office promises peace.
The storm clouds are now on the horizon as we face what might be World War III.
Russia and her allies are going to invade the nation of Israel according to Ezekiel 38-39.
The Rider On The Black Horse (5-6)
“...there will be famine...” (Matthew 24:7)
This rider represents famine and economic disaster.
It has been stated by many that famine and war go together.
This rider has a pair of scales in his hand.
“To eat bread by weight” is a Jewish phrase showing the scarcity of food.
Food will most likely be rationed in this time.
A man’s daily wage will only buy enough of the poorest food for his own needs.
Today half the children of the world that are of pre-school age are undernourished which retards their physical and mental growth.
More than half the world goes to bed hungry.
Everyday in the United States we throw enough food into our garbage cans to feed a family of six in India.
Fifteen percent (15%) of all edible food in the United
States ends up in the garbage; this is at acost of $17.5 billion annually.
While we sit down for dinner 400 people will starve to death.
Each new day there are 203,000 additional mouths to feed, each year 74,000,000 more the net increase of births over deaths.
“ not damage the oil and the wine.” (v.6)
The rich will continue to indulge in the luxuries.
The luxuries of the rich will be untouched.
States ends up in the garbage; this is at acost of $17.5 billion annually.
While we sit down for dinner 400 people will starve to death.
Each new day there are 203,000 additional mouths to feed, each year 74,000,000 more the net increase of births over deaths.
“ not damage the oil and the wine.” (v.6)
The rich will continue to indulge in the luxuries.
The luxuries of the rich will be untouched.
the small rat who can carry 35 different diseases. The fleas of the rat were responsible for the bubonic plague and can carry typhus. It is said if you wipe out 95% of the rat population, it will replace itself in one year.
One and one half to two billion people will die.
Do we understand the total meaning of death?
Hades -- This is the place where the souls of the lost go.
Spiritual Death -- separation and rebellion against God (ex: Adam).
Physical Death -- Death of the body.
Eternal Death -- Eternal separation from God.
The Tribulation Period is going to be a time like the world has never seen or known. God said except the days be shortened no life would be saved. But those days will be shortened for the sake of the elect.
The White Horse -- Deception
The Red Horse -- Destruction and Division
The Black Horse -- Despair and Disaster
The Pale Horse -- Death
If the Lord should return this day, would you be ready? Are you absolutely sure of your position in Christ? Where will you be when The Lamb begins to break the seals upon the scroll that is sealed?