The Importance of Church Attendance

by Frances A. Ross



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781490899596
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781490899602

About the Book

The Importance of Church Attendance guides people of all ages to ask themselves a fundamental question: “Why should I attend church?” In turning to the Bible, Author Frances A. Ross uncovers a wealth of wisdom and insight from that book’s prophecy, teaching, and exhortation to lead both youth and adults to see the place God envisions for them in the church and to inspire them to gather regularly with other Christians.

Devoting chapters to children, teenagers, newlyweds, and retirees, The Importance of Church Attendance presents an overview of the place of church attendance at various stages of life and then surveys key Bible passages, drawing from them teachings about the place of church participation at each stage in an individual’s life. After that, two chapters turn to ultimate issues, lifting up the Bible’s teachings on eternity and judgment.

If you look around and see people apparently prospering without faith, you might wonder why you should bother attending church. The Importance of Church Attendance gives answers to that question and encourages you to make your way to the church door and knock, to find the courage to step inside by faith, and to live and celebrate your membership in God’s life-giving community.

About the Author

Frances A. Ross earned a bachelor’s degree in applied arts and sciences at Texas A&M University, worked as a secretary and bookkeeper for thirty-eight years, and taught part-time for eleven years. A longtime Sunday school teacher and vacation Bible school director, she lives in Prescott, Arkansas, with Gene, her husband.