The Very First Right Is . . .
Book Details
About the Book
As Americans, we all want our rights. Rights come under different categories. There are civil rights, women’s rights, employment rights, education rights, and many other rights. We have the right to free speech, expression, religion, voting, and many other rights. All rights given to us fall under three rights: the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Which of these rights is our very first right as humans?
About the Author
God spoke to Chris in fifth grade about the protection of the unborn child. Since that Bible lesson on a Wednesday night, Chris has kept an oath to God to always be a voice for the unborn. The Very First Right is a part of his oath to God. He feels that this is a part of his calling, to make their voice heard. He gives thanks to Bro. George for that lesson on Wednesday night. You forever changed his life.