Ryan walked through the door of his first class. He popped his collar as a couple of girls looked at him and he gave them a sly smile. They turned away grinning as he sat down in his seat. He never would have thought his confidence would have soared so high. But after having a year to prove himself he could now enjoy being in the tenth grade without feeling like he was doing too much to fit in. He leaned back in the old West High desk. He had to admit he was glad to be back at the school. Especially since he had more to look forward to. Having his own crowd of friends, being relatively popular, school was just as much a social arena as it was the place to get an education. Speaking of education… Ryan glanced up at his teacher. He remembered hearing from others who had had this class the year before that this teacher wasn’t too bad. He was a teacher who actually taught his students and helped those that didn’t understand the material. This was huge relief to Ryan. He had had his struggles his freshman year, but now all he wanted was to pass all of his classes with a grade that was a C or higher. As Ryan’s eyes drifted from his teacher he caught sight of a girl walking in. Ryan looked her over. She looked like a freshmen. Quickly he scanned the room to make sure the rest of the kids were sophomores. When he realized they were he thought maybe the girl had wandered into the wrong class. But she sat down her eyes falling on those around her. She didn’t seem shocked that everyone was older than her. More or less she seemed to expect it. So, Ryan came to the conclusion that the girl was a really smart ninth grader and was put in a sophomore’s class. Well, she’s better off than I was my ninth grade year. With my grades I needed to be in eighth grade classes, Ryan thought. His continued to watch the girl whose focus remained on her desk. He didn’t know why he watched her he just did. Curiosity began to fill him as to who this girl was. A hand tapped his shoulder and Ryan turned to see one of his best friends. He greeted him with their handshake and before he knew it they were playing catch up. Talking about what happened over their summer break and being back at “dear” West High.
Penny walked through West High’s main doors quickly checking her hair by her reflection in the window. She ran her hand alongside her swoop, even though there was not a strand out of place. Then she shifted her black belt back to the middle of her waist. Opening the door she walked confidently down the hallway, her heels clicking on the floor and her bag swinging at her side. She waved back at the underclassmen that greeted her being once again grateful that she was no longer grouped with them. Her phone buzzed and she flipped it out. “Where are you?” the brief text from her best friend Nyla said. Suddenly Penny realized what time it was. She had been tripping. Quickly sending a message back that she was headed to her first class, Penny ran up the three flights of stairs to room 345. Picking a random seat she slid into it. She exhaled trying to get her heart to stop pounding from her mad-dash run in heels. She couldn’t believe it. Her fourth year of high school was finally starting. It seemed like this moment would never come. Penny looked around. She was here, but where was Nyla? She better get here before the bell rings! Mr. Davis never excuses tardiness. As if on cue Nyla appeared at the door. She was a tall, dark skinned girl. She had dressed up wearing a black shirt and white belt. Her hair was pulled back by a matching white head banned.