There comes a season in every mother’s life when she realizes her mothering days are over.
I was a stay at home mom. I laugh as I write that because anyone who knows me knows I am always busy and hardly ever stay at home. But wherever I went or whatever I did my children became a part of it. One of my greatest desires was to bring honor to my husband and raise our children to walk in the ways of the Lord. I loved being married and loved being a mother. I loved my children’s friends and loved having a house full of laughter.
I remember when our oldest son, Chris, was getting ready to go off to college. On many days I found myself with my eyes full of tears. I was so happy for him and proud of the man he was becoming, but the thought of him leaving home was hard for me. It was a time of releasing him into the world. I knew he would do well, but I would miss not seeing him every day. At that time, I still had three kids at home and life was very busy.
Then one day, it was time for my last son to leave. He was getting married, and I recall being at the wedding shower. We were playing a game to see how well we all knew Josh. The first set of questions were about when he was young, and I knew all of the answers while no one else did. The second set of questions were about his college and dating years, and I realized I could not answer the majority of them.
On the way home, my eyes once again filled with tears as I realized that soon all of my children would be gone from our home. I was extremely happy for all of them and I did not want them to always live with me. It was then that I knew it was for this very reason God gave them to me; so that one day I would release them.
I was proud that they all had grown to love God and had married spouses who did as well, but I began to see clearly that what I had been doing for the last thirty years was about to look very different.
I had a lot more time on my hands now, and I was able to work on developing a closer relationship with God. This pursuit was much more difficult in my child-rearing days.
As I read the scriptures, I was amazed at how many times mothers were mentioned, and how important their teachings were. Even Proverbs 31 was written by a mother to her grown son, and she was still giving him advice.
Proverbs 31:1-3 says, “The sayings of King Lemuel – an inspired utterance his mother taught him. Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers! Do not spend your strength on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings.”
In Proverbs 6:20, grown men were still admonished not to forsake their mother’s teachings. Of these teachings they were told in verses 21-22, to “bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.”
It was during this time of pursing God further that I began to write to my grown children. I shared with them how much they were loved and also shared the things God was teaching me. I would begin most letters with the greeting, “Good Morning Children”.
This book is a collection of some of those writings. It is my prayer that you too will find encouragement and instruction from God’s Word, and that this book will inspire everyone who reads it to stay connected as a family through intentional and meaningful ways.
Sandra Mae