"Not again! First, it's the garden and now this! Eve must have been wondering how much will this curse truly cost! One bad decision and paradise was lost. Now, would that same bad decision also lead to the loss of her children? Would one instant of poor judgment continue to affect everything? When will this weight be lifted? When will I be happy again? When will I get my life back? From the looks of things, one fateful moment had changed her life … Forever!
In gross comparison to her plight, the place called the Garden of Eden could not have been more perfect. Her first glance at life was the presence of her Creator as she was sculpted into being. Her second glance at life was the presence of her husband Adam, the one for whom she had been created. Their life's journey included daily intimacy with God and each other (think about that next time you’re watching Lifetime!) as they stood in the Garden of Eden ... Paradise, where the ground yielded its fruit without toil. Literally, they just showed up and the paycheck was signed. Vegetation was watered and nourished effortlessly. Animals lived harmoniously. Fellowship with man and fellowship with God was joyous. There was provision, protection, and divine providence all around. There was nothing more that could have been needed or wanted ... or could there be? This is exactly where Eve was when the serpent arrived. Let's put this in 21st century vernacular. I have the job that I prayed for, but could there be something better? I was accepted into the college of my choice, but could there be something better ... where my friends are? My children are doing well in academics and sports, but could there be something more ... opportunities in another school district? I’m engaged to the man of my dreams, but could there be someone better ... at E-Harmony or Match.com? My wife is beautiful, but could there be something new ... in a different relationship with a co-worker who understands me? I see God using me at my church, but could there be something more for my personal ministry growth ... at a larger, more distinguished church? The could there be wrecked havoc in the lives of Adam and Eve, as well as every generation to follow! You see, ‘Could there be can be a very manipulative place ..."