Unraveled, Time to Tell

by Lisa Lynn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/30/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781512713930
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781512713954
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781512713947

About the Book

Unraveled, Time to Tell is about a life of secrets turned into heart-opening revelations from God and how a questionable death can change life and leave a young girl vulnerable and unwanted. This change leads to many consequences and puts in front of her choices she was unaware of and ashamed of. This girl lived her married life concealing these secrets, even from her own children. This memoir tells us how her life of abusive, undesired, and unexpected actions could be replaced with joy, peace, and encouragement from God through His Word and His revelations. It includes help from God’s Word that will be an inspiration to anyone who reads it. Her now-grown children heard for the first time her life’s details through this book—her letter to them. Their responses included “wow,” “shocking,” “incredible to have survived,” and “a testimony of God’s redemption.” Other comments included: “A true inspiration, I could have never walked in my mom’s shoes.” “A positive woman that never let the negative get to her.” “It’s a truthful tale of one girl going through life seemingly by herself, striving to survive and revealing those experiences through her own writing of her personal life.” Beginning with Chapter 1, “The Darkest Day,” you will read of her details and decisions, and hear the descriptions of how God revealed each meaning along with Biblical truths throughout. After all the unraveling, all she was shown, she now has to share. Jeremiah 20:9

About the Author

Lisa Lynn is the mother of three grown children starting their own families. As a child her seemingly perfect life was uprooted by a questionable death, and she was thrown into situations and choices far beyond her nine years. However, later in life, God revealed Himself and His truths about her experiences through His Word. She now shares the encouragement with you.