Perhaps many of you have, or have had at some point in life thought about throwing in the towel, because of one devastating blow or another. For those of you that have made it through a storm, you can truly say God is GOOD – and for those of you that may be in a storm as you thumb the pages of this book – I suggest to you now by the authority invested in me by my Daddy – “Go on Through”. You may not see the hand of God while you yet remain in the midst of the un-pleasantries, but you stand the test! Keep the faith, do not give up and continue to wait on God. He will either get you out or get in with you. We want badly to see God at battle in our situations, until we miss the reality of Him being there all the time. Daniel did not literally see God, he knew the lion was humbled and offered himself as a pillow. As with Paul and Silas, they never saw Jesus in the jail, but they did what was a natural thing to them, (singing and praying) suddenly, there was a jailhouse rock that caused the doors at every cell to be open, and the shackles to fall off. The three Hebrew boys never saw God in the furnace, but the guard that threw them in sure did. The man was at the sides of the pool of Bethesda for thirty- eight years was looking for someone that could push him in, when all he needed was a word to be receive his healing. Please do not miss your blessing or forfeit the opportunity of getting your needs met and from getting whatever you want by not activating your faith so He can manifest Himself in your life. “Then what can we say to these things, If God be for us, who can be against us.” Romans 8:31(KJV) Therefore, my sisters and brothers go on through, because He is there with you all of the time. In reality, He is really waiting on you. Just in case you need some proof of what you just read – First, look at a woman (the one I made mentioned of early in the writings), who after (Luke 8:48) twelve years of living with what seemed to have been an incurable disease, simply exercised her faith. Because of her desperation, she reached out and did touch Him. All Jesus said was, “woman your faith has healed you – Go in Peace.” Second, and yet there is another woman (Luke 7:36) who had lived a very sinful life, but she fell at the feet of Jesus. Yes, even the prostitute (the whore) who Jesus met at the well and opened the possibility of forgiveness as she poured out her gratitude. She activated her faith not caring what anyone thought. Yet again, we hear Him say “Go in Peace”. These scriptures prove to you, that it makes no difference with Jesus, if you are a saint or sinner, when you posture yourself rightly – Jesus is there. We must come to recognize that Jesus cannot use us until we have been broken and torn into pieces. If He had to take off his robe in Glory to get down low and come by way of a man made baby bed, in a corner of an animal stable, through a woman like you and I what about YOU? So how low can you go? I understand it is a very difficult thing, to face the pressure of being women in this society today. Babies having babies, young women faced with peer pressure of having to participate in the world system instead of operating on God’s system. Mothers are in competition with their daughters, women as a whole having set no morals and values for themselves and their daughters. Even so, with the addictions of these devastating issues, you must realize that in this day and time Jesus is in search of you. You see, as long as we stay in our prideful state our condition and situation remains the same. It is not until we come to the point where we recognize and realize that we need to go down to the threshing floor. It will cost you to go, very low. Again I ask, “HOW LOW ARE YOU WILLING TO GO” in order to get to Jesus? Let me encourage you, the world may put you down, but God lifts you up. The world may expect the impossible, but God comes to you with Grace, Mercy and a Heart that accepts you for who you are and with Him, all things are possible. “When people try to judge you based on your past ---- Just Hold On To Jesus. When they lie on you and scandalize your name ---- Just Hold On To Jesus. When they try to determine how high you can go based on where you have been ---- Just Hold On To Jesus. You will be face with many trials and tribulations, as you make this journey. Your faith might not be as great as my faith. My faith, I am sure, was not as great as my Mother’s faith was. Remember, it is not the size of faith, that gets the job done but it is the action behind the faith, that will take you to your destiny and thus be a faith worth passing on.