Sanctification Renovation
Book Details
About the Book
Sanctification Renovation was inspired by my own journey through the Bible. I have considered myself a Christian for many years, and approximately five years ago, I decided I should know what the Holy Book says. Thus, I read my New International “Student” Version of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I did not understand every word, story or situation, nor could I pronounce all the names, but I did manage to get a good general sense of the Word of God.
From my studies, I discovered how God has been reaching out to His people from day one. He has used and continues to use many ways to display His authority, power, and grace. The fundamental principles of the Bible are timeless and transforming. No other book can compare to the Bible and no other being can compare to God, His Word, His Spirit, and His Son. The Christian experience is filled with ups and downs but how glorious to know He will ultimately prevail. Good will triumph evil!
My challenge to anyone who reads this is to test your beliefs and examine what you live for. What would you be willing to die for? Ask deep questions—test your limits, get out of your comfort zone, and open your mind. If you are already a believer in Jesus Christ, I would challenge you to find your unique way to honor your faith and spread Godly characteristics.
If you want to know more about the King of Kings, maybe you should pick up a Bible—it could change your life, death, and eternal fate.
About the Author
Andrew Carter is a first-time author with the publication of Sanctification Renovation. He is a born-again believer who enjoys chronicling his thoughts as he carries on with his journey through the most important book in history—the Bible.
Sanctification Renovation resulted from the overflow of the Holy Spirit in Andrew’s life. He believes this is a gift God has given as a reflection of his desire to glorify God and His Plan.