Follow the Fire: Lessons in Life and Leadership
From Bondage to Promise: 40 Days in the Footsteps of Moses
Book Details
About the Book
Embark on a 40-day journey following in the footsteps of this remarkable man of faith, and take up the challenge to grow personally and spiritually in life and leadership. Learn the lessons of life and leadership that brought Moses from the baby in a basket of bulrushes to the bulwark of faith on the battlefront. God called Moses from the brink of death to the pinnacle of power in Pharaoh’s house of privilege. Then from the pinnacle of power and privilege, Moses fled to the humble and desolate sands of the desert wilderness. And then after 40 years of being molded by God’s Spirit, Moses responded to the call to lead the Israelites from slavery to freedom, from defeat to victory, from bondage to promise--not because of his abilities, but because of the transforming power of faith in God and the promises of God.
About the Author
Rev. Dr. T. J. Jenney, Ph.D. is a seasoned pastor and leader who has served churches as well as served as a campus minister and chaplain for police and fire departments as well as the Air Force Auxiliary. Dr. Jenney also served as a faculty member at Purdue University, serving as an adjunct professor in Organizational Leadership. His experience includes serving as a president and CEO of non-profit organizations. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Higher Education Administration from Purdue and an M.Div and an S.T.M. from Yale University. He served as a contributing editor of William B. Eerdmans Bible Dictionary (1989) and Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000), as well as written articles for journals. T.J. is a private pilot and an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys hiking, biking, skiing, scuba diving, boating and travel, but the thing he enjoys most is spending time with his daughter.