New Beginning
Scriptural Steps Away from Life Crisis to New Life in Christ
Book Details
About the Book
With the leading of the Holy Spirit, Tim has studied the Scriptures to find biblical truths and instructions to share with both new believers desiring to turn from worldly pursuits and begin walking with Christ and mature Christians who seek help in recovering from crises in their life. Using a progressive format of steps similar to those introduced in twelve-step recovery programs, Tim shows how Scripture instructs us to see ourselves, the process through which God draws us to Himself, and the spiritual application of the Word of God in developing a solid Christian foundation for moving forward.
Drawing from Scripture passages from dozens of books in both the Old and New Testaments, Tim points out God’s desired relationship with humans and how His Word gives us a blueprint for living the life that He desires for us. At the end of each chapter, a series of questions is presented intended to help readers reflect on their own views of scriptural teachings and their attitudes and perceptions of God and living a Christian life.
About the Author
Raised in a Christian family in Savannah, Georgia, Tim turned away from his faith as a teenager and began pursuing a life of striving for status, material success, and self-centered pleasure. His use of alcohol and drugs for thrill and escape eventually led to substance abuse and alcoholism. As circumstances began to spiral out of control, Tim lost his family, his career, and his physical and mental health. On the verge of suicide, Tim reached a crossroads. Instead of killing himself, Tim chose to surrender his life to Christ and begin a new life in spiritual recovery and daily walking with the Lord.
As he experienced the Lord drawing him closer, Tim reached out to Christian mentors who could help him walk a new path in life. He made an honest assessment of himself and, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, began to develop new attitudes and behaviors, Godly character, and spiritually healthy relationships with his family and others. Through prayer, searching the Scriptures, and daily surrendering of his will to his heavenly Father, Tim began to experience peace and joy and a new outlook on life.
Today Tim has discovered a new passion for helping others who are facing crises in life. He is active in his church and men’s ministry as well as in addiction recovery groups. He also leads a Bible study and is a leader in local Christian businessmen’s groups. Currently residing in Greensboro, North Carolina, Tim is actively engaged in a commercial real estate career.