Before Eternity

The One Who Dwells in Zion

by Sandielyn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/29/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781512751208
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781512751192
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781512751215

About the Book

The book that you are holding right now will lead us to ask our self of our present relationship with our Creator, it will give us a spiritual telescope to look further, the courage to look back and the path that will take us to the depth of our innermost being . It can also be a mirror that will show us of what we are missing and forgotten along the journey of faith and walk with God. The story will break us and thirst us to long for the love that only our Heavenly Father can fill . It may not answer all our questions and cannot present the whole situation but surely we can relate to the journey she’s going to take, as one of the traveler in the story. This book will make us hold once more the pierce hands of our Savior at times we feel like loosing, The story will speak to us of how our Father love us so dearly that He did not only die for us but will come back to take the last remnant of his Holy Kingdom when the great battle comes and before eternity.

About the Author

Sandielyn a wife, mother and a teacher started to write this book when she was in South Korea as a Missionary and Multi Cultural Teacher her experiences and daily walk with God put the desire in her heart to write.

She got married four times but always with the same man, her loving husband Samuel Taylor. Their love story is truly a divine intervention that is worth hearing, they got married in three countries South Korea, Philippines which she originally came from and Kentucky which her husband live.

As a child who’ve been raised from a paganism background, she experienced a tremendous redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ when she was twelve years old listening to her neighbor who read scriptures and pray for her that resulted to her repentance and also persecution of her relatives which now she can testify that God use her life that her families also accepted our Savior and her Father became a Pastor after so many years of bondage in drugs, and other addiction. She believe that as you hold and finish this book, you will experience to look back and self evaluate yourself your Christian walk with the Lord or even asking yourself if what kind of journey in life you are now going in. The author encourage you that no matter where you are in your journey right now always choose the narrow way because doing God’s will is the ultimate destination of our soul to be with our Creator.