The Man in the Middle

by Laurie Burysek Gloyd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/16/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781512751505
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781512752236
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781512751512

About the Book

After living a life of bad decisions, Jason finds himself in a place he never imagined he would be-taking the life of a man for a few silver coins and some jewels. The result of his choices lands him on a cross beside a man who has the power to save Jason’s life. Will Jason decide to accept The Man in the Middle’s offer, or will he turn him down and die in his sins?

I strained my eyes to see if I could recognize him. His face was badly beaten; it was so swollen and bloody that I could not tell who the man was. Part of his beard had been ripped out, and there was a circle of thorns smashed onto the top of his head. Blood trickled from each thorn down his face and neck. He wore a purple robe, which stuck to his body where his blood had congealed on the fabric. Th e guards ripped the robe off of the man, causing fresh blood to drip from wounds that were trying to heal. There did not appear to be a place on his body that was not red, bloody, or torn. . . As I looked at him, I supposed the man in the middle had also passed out, because he was silent, although his chest still rose and fell. His eyes were closed, and his head lolled over one shoulder as though he were sleeping. Even right beside him, I still did not recognize this man. I looked at the piece of wood the guard had nailed over the man’s head. It read “King of the Jews” in several different languages, but it gave me no clue as to who he was. I had been raised a Jew, but that was a long time ago. I absolutely did not know this man.

About the Author

Laurie Anne Gloyd was born in Franklin, KY and has lived in several states before again calling Kentucky home. She has been married to her husband since 1988 and they have six children together. Throughout her life, she has homeschooled her children as well as been a teacher in a Christian school setting. She has also been a parent volunteer for the public schools their children have attended, instructing both Boy Scouts of America and NASP Archery at different times. She recently attained her RN degree, dedicating her life to serving others. In her spare time, she helps with her church’s youth and children’s Sunday school programs and teaches women’s Bible study events. She and her family have a love for camping, fishing, and rock hunting, which allows them time to enjoy the beauty of the wonderful outdoors.