Are You Ready to Live
the Abundant Life?
He brought us out of Egypt so that He could give us
this land He had promised to our ancestors.
(Deuteronomy 6:23 – TLB)
Do you know that you are heir to a vast fortune the Lord has in reserve for you? That’s right! And this Study Guide, along with its companion book Bitter Cup, Sweet Aftertaste – Lessons from the Wilderness, is designed to teach you to focus on what you need to know and do to take full possession of your inheritance.
Thousands of years ago the Lord made a promise to a
man named Abram, who later became known as Abraham.
According to the Bible, God told him his descendants would
one day leave Egypt, journey through the wilderness, and
ultimately inherit a physical land that was overflowing with
abundance. (Genesis 17:7–8, Exodus 3:7–8, Deuteronomy 8:7-9 NIV, all scriptures).
Well, if you belong to Jesus Christ, you are a spiritual
descendant of Abraham, and all of God’s promises to Abraham now belong to you (Galatians 3:29 – TLB, AMP). Today this means that the Lord has prepared a spiritual land to give to you. As a citizen of this land, you are destined to inherit a life that is rich, meaningful and fulfilling. In fact, Jesus’ very purpose for coming to earth was to give you a life that is full to the point of overflowing (John 10:10(b) - LB, AMP). However, while the abundant life is available to you, you must be “in the land” in order to partake of it.
Like everyone on this earth, you are currently in one of
three spiritual locations and your spiritual location determines
whether or not you receive your inheritance. So the question
you need to ask yourself is, “What is my spiritual location?”
Are you still in Egypt, which means you have not yet
entered into a relationship with Christ, or you have drifted
away from Him?
Are you in the wilderness – that dry, barren place where
you have committed your life to Christ but it seems that
the Lord is not hearing your prayers, nothing is happening
and many of your desires are unfulfilled? Do you have more
questions than answers, your life seems to lack direction, and
you’re not sure what your purpose is for being on this earth?
Or are you “in the land” – that abundantly fruitful, enjoyable
place where you have a close, intimate relationship with the
Lord and you hear from Him with clarity? Are you “in the land” where He has revealed His purpose for your life and you are walking in it, your prayers are answered because they are
consistent with His will, you trust Him implicitly and want
only what He wants for you in His timing, and you are one with Him in thought and action?
If you are in Egypt the first thing you need to do to begin
the journey to the abundant life is to establish a relationship
with Jesus Christ. Pray and ask Him to forgive your sins, come into your life, be your Lord and guide you. Then do whatever He instructs you to do.
Should you find that you are in the wilderness, be
encouraged! It is a place which the Lord personally leads every Christian through on the way to the land of abundance. It is here that He teaches you the crucial spiritual lessons you must master in preparation for the abundant life He has planned for you.
If you are already “in the land,” enjoy it and know that
it offers limitless opportunities and you will be taking
possession of it for many years to come. God has just begun
to show you the plans He has in store for you and this book
will remind you what to keep doing to continue to fulfill His
purpose for your life.
Even if you are still seeking meaning, significance, and
purpose in your life but do not currently have a relationship
with the Lord, this book will be invaluable to you in your
search for what makes life worth living.
Let the journey begin!