Clothes, Anyone?
Isn’t it interesting how something so good and generous can turn into a chaotic mess? Some well meaning people from home sent clothing, lots of it, to the Center at Zacualpa. It was true that the people were poor and many did need clothing. I don’t know if the shipment was sanctioned by our ministry group, but someone did provide an address and a way to send the clothing we received. The indigenous folk of Guatemala, especially the ladies, wore the traditional designs of their particular culture and had no interest in the clothes. The Latinos, however, wore the current fashions, which we received.
No one was assigned a job that included handing out the clothing. While there was a lull in the registering of patients for my husband to treat and take care of, Beth and I became involved in this endeavor.
The clothing was put into a room that was not being used, and the fun began. By word of mouth,
a great way to communicate, a large group of neighborhood women and children had gathered
at the gate to the center. They weren’t there to see the doctor; they were there to see the
“ropas”. (Clothing)
They pulled and pushed and elbowed their way into the small storage room, and they spoke
loudly and roughly to each other as they threw clothing in all directions looking for the color,
size, and appropriate style. A bargain basement sale couldn’t have been rowdier. By nature, I
am not very aggressive, and I was one of the workers trying to help with crowd control. Another
lady who resembled me in personality was trying to keep some semblance of order. The two
of us were no match for this group of eager women. Other workers became aware of the
disorder and tried to help, but it wasn’t until our no nonsense director, Brother Mack, came on the scene that the rowdy behavior was put to a stop. He immediately took charge and shortly after his arrival the clothes seekers were sent on their way to come back another day when an appropriate method of distribution could be put to use.
What a great idea to send the clothes! We waste so much in the United States, and I know that
generous hearts just wanting to do good were behind it all. Both sides, the senders and the
receivers of the clothing, needed a strategy to be sure the job was done correctly and calmly.
I went back to my job of signing in the patients who came for medical care. I never again tried
to help with that work. My personality wasn’t cut out for it.