The Man Nobody Knew

A Novel

by Garrett C. Whitworth



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/6/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781512739947
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781512739930
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781512739923

About the Book

“Philip, you--and all the rest of you, too--have been with me for almost three years and yet you still don’t know me.”

We were shocked to hear these words. All twelve of us had been his closest associates these past three years. We had traveled throughout our home country with him. We had carefully observed him interact with all types of people in all manner of circumstances. We were puzzled, dismayed, even angry at what we thought was his unjust and untrue characterization of us, his dearest friends. Had our service to him and his cause been in vain?

Within these pages, Garrett Whitworth introduces The Man Nobody Knew, the man every person somehow innately desires to know. It’s an irresistible, compelling, surprising road trip from Nazareth to Jerusalem, from a wooden manger to a wooden tree. Feel the Palestinian dust in your sandals, savor fish, freshly-roasted over an open fire by the Sea of Galilee, see him walk on water and raise the dead, hear him say, “Follow me.”

-Ted Hamilton, MD

About the Author

In 1986, Garrett Whitworth conceived of writing a historical novel about the life of a man who, arguably, changed the course of world history more than any other man or woman who has ever lived. This book is the result of his years of research. Mr. Whitworth lives in Southern California with his wife, Colleen. They have three children and four grandchildren.