We could say the Bible is about God reconciling humans to Himself. Moreover, that it is about the salvation of human souls through the sacrifice and teaching of God’s Messiah and Son Jesus Christ. In conjunction with this, it is also God’s overall plan for the creation of the Family of God. It is important to bear this concept of the family of God in mind as we endeavor to fully grasp the concept of Depth Prophecy. Actually, it would seem that it is very important for us to realize that the concept of Depth Prophecy is, in fact, the discovery of additional divine revelation. In order to help to understand that it should be considered as divine revelation, a short survey of the Bible, and some events in history connected to the Bible and its authorship, will now be discussed.
God’s plan for creating the Family of God began at the time that He brought our universe into existence, including space and time. When God says He is “I AM” (Exodus 3:14-15) it means that He is above and beyond time and space. While it seems that we humans are unable to comprehend this reality of being above space and time, we settle for “eternal” or “forever” in describing this attribute of God. And there are those who do not believe it is possible for existence above space and time, and get irritated and angry when it is put forth to them. However, we know that space and time was created at the Big Bang, and that it was the Sovereign God of the universe who created the Big Bang.
Then God prepared Earth for the first humans, Adam and Eve, to live. Unfortunately, they eventually indulged in self-will rather than being obedient to God. They took the word of the Serpent [Satan] over God’s Word. In doing so, Adam and Eve introduced the existence of sin into the world. After their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve began to have children. Their eldest, Cain, became jealous of his brother, Abel. He became filled with rage and killed his brother. The significance of this act demonstrated that there existed, at that time, the onset of an ever increasing disposition toward sinfulness within humanity due to the spirit of sin’s mastery over human nature.
Later on, in Genesis 6:4 we read that some fallen angels looked upon human women and they desired them. They then temporarily took on human form, and so were able to copulate with those human women, and thus they had children by them.
As time wore on, the progeny of the fallen angels of that civilization became wicked, and caused humans to be sinful. So much so that God sent a flood upon the earth and wiped out all living things on it. The exceptions were Noah and his wife, their three sons Japheth, Ham, and Shem together with their wives, and the animals on the Ark. God had given Noah the responsibility of building the Ark, and supplied him with measurements and instructions regarding the specifications of the Ark and the number and identification of the animals.
The descendants of Noah and his family eventually founded the ancient societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, etc. At some later date the progenitor of the Ancient Hebrews, Abraham, was born c. 2195 B.C. Because of his obedience to Him, God promised him he would have many descendants upon the earth (Genesis 17:6-8). The Ancient Hebrews became known as Israelites at the time when God had changed Jacob’s (Abraham’s grandson) name to Israel. This God did because Israel (Jacob) strived {wrestled) with the Angel of the Lord in order to obtain His blessings of forgiveness and protection.
Later, Joseph, Jacob’s (Israel’s) son, was sold into slavery by his brothers as they were jealous of his being their father’s favorite son. But Joseph became the highest ranking official in Egypt, next to Pharaoh, by God’s favor. Due to a famine in the region, Joseph ultimately was allowed by Pharaoh to place his family in Goshen in northern Egypt c. 1875 B.C. There the Hebrews, as they were called at that time, grew in number and became a nation.