Surviving and Thriving in the Mad House of Youth Ministry

Keys to Longevity While Shaping Young Lives

by Dave Nordstrom & Carole Nordstrom



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/20/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973674719
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973674726

About the Book

What this book is not:
You won’t find Bible verses and theological statements. It isn’t filled with game ideas or club topics.
What this book will offer you:
40 years of timeless lessons learned by real live youth leaders. You’ll read topics like these:
1. How to figure out if youth ministry is actually your calling
2. Insights for your spouse
3. How to turn what you thought were weaknesses into strengths
4. How to motivate teens in your group
5. How to make sure you are getting your value from the right things
6. Good ways to recruit and maintain quality volunteer leaders
7. How to avoid burn out in ministry
8. The importance of holding your ground on issues
9. Understanding the human nature of teenagers
10. The importance of knowing your own limits
11. How to know if or when you’re too old for ministry
12. Keeping true to ministry as culture changes
13. “I don’t know” can be a ministry opportunity
14. How to connect with that trouble maker student
15. Why little old ladies can break the stereotypical youth volunteer mold……and MORE!

About the Author

Dave and Carole have had a passion for reaching lost and searching teens for 40 years. They are still learning. If you have a passion to reach out to the youth around you, this book is for you. You might just be starting out, or you might be far into your journey. Wherever you are, it’s true that we can learn from others. Reading this could help you to sidestep some big problems, or help you decide ways to best serve God in your ministry.