The Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions

The Forgotten Foundation

by Don Dent



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/15/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781973651840
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781973651864
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781973651857

About the Book

Numerous trends are presently converging in ways that make this moment in mission history significant. These include the growth of short-term service, the multiplication of mission organizations, local churches sending missionaries without an agency, and the internationalization of missions. It is crucial in the midst of such change that we not lose connection with the New Testament model of the missionary apostles. Apostles, now commonly called missionaries, are God's gift for the initial planting phase of the church among every people, to the end of the age. This unique church-planting role is the forgotten foundation of the church. Much of the ineffectiveness in missions is due to our attempts to build Christ's church on a different foundation.

This book will examine five critical questions from the perspective of biblical scholarship, history, and contemporary experience:

Why are missions-minded Evangelicals reluctant to identify missionaries as apostles, considering that the two words have the same root meaning?

How is apostolos used in the New Testament, and specifically, is it sometimes used as a designation for missionaries?

How should we conceptualize an ongoing role for missionary apostles that does not detract from the crucial, unique role of the original Apostles?

What ministry pattern does the New Testament record from the lives of the early missionary apostles?

How should an awareness of missionary apostles guide our mission efforts today?

About the Author

The author and his wife, Anne, served as missionaries in Asia for 30 years through the IMB, SBC. They planted urban churches, developed strategies to impact UPGs, provided leadership to hundreds of ‘sent ones,’ and helped new expatriate workers become effective. Don earned an M.Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theo. Sem. and a D.Miss. from Malaysia Baptist Theo. Sem. Since 2012, Don has led the mission preparation program at Gateway Seminary, formerly GGBTS. The Dents have two adult children who are passionate about following Jesus and reaching the nations.