Christ the Giver of Gifts
A. Jesus, of whom we testify
Throughout Scripture we find numerous prophetic pronouncements given to the prophets by the Holy Spirit. These were God’s decrees to His people, warnings of judgment against sin, and foretellings of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament prophecies are of critical importance, proving with complete accuracy all the events that led up to Jesus’ miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit, His virgin birth, His life among us, His work, His death on a cruel Roman cross, His resurrection on the third day, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and the coming of His Holy Spirit to establish His church with precious gifts. There is no doubt that prophecy is an integral part of Old Testament Scripture that points the way to salvation through the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. We can be sure of this because all that the prophets wrote foretells of the coming Yeshua, our Lord and Savior.
The spiritual gift of prophecy is given to the New Testament church by the Spirit of Jesus and should continue to be an integral part of the Church. God uses those whom the Holy Spirit chooses to gift and empower to speak to His people: warning them against sin, admonishing them, strengthening them, directing them, encouraging them, blessing them, and teaching them. This gift continues to be available to God’s people because God has not changed. We must receive all the good gifts God holds out to us in His mighty hand, because in the use of these treasures, we become empowered witnesses who lift Jesus Christ up, testifying of His power and might to save.
B. Revelation
The question Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15), was not only for them but is for each one of us to answer. We cannot respond to this question by means of book learning alone, but from what is revealed by the Spirit in our heart of hearts. How did Peter know who Jesus is? In verse 17 Jesus says, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.” We cannot know and live this truth simply by knowledge alone; it comes by revelation of the Holy Spirit of God.
This is the same revelation that is at the root of the spiritual gift of prophecy. The first step is revelation by the Holy Spirit and this cannot come from any man, but from the Holy Words of God. How many times have you read a Scripture that you’ve often glanced at and suddenly a light comes on and you exclaim, “So that’s what it means. I get it! I finally get it.” This is revelation from the Spirit of Jesus and is part of the foundation of the spiritual gift of prophecy.
When you minister in the spiritual gift of prophecy, how can you be sure that what you proclaim is a true revelation that comes from our Lord God? Listen to the prophet: “But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds” (Jeremiah 23:22). The psalmist opens our understanding of this: “I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me” (Psalms 16:7). When you are hanging out in the Lord’s council chambers, you know what is on His heart, you know what grieves Him, and you know what brings Him joy. All this because you are dwelling in His Holy Presence.
Imagine that two girls who are already best friends embark upon a road trip from Seattle, Washington to Miami, Florida. Hour upon hour, mile after mile they talk and share the deepest thoughts of their hearts like never before. By the time they get to Billings, Montana they can order lunch for each other. By the time they get to Kansas City they can speak the other’s thoughts. When they arrive in Miami, their words and conversations have become very familiar and respectfully intimate. This example gives insight into the word “council” and what it means to abide in God’s council.
Instead, Christians have duct taped and patched together the veil separating the Holy of Holies, and we shudder to think of entering. Here is the challenge for all redeemed mortal beings: Our spirit is the part of us that can connect to, abide with, and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking from within. Many times I know or have heard a word in my spirit, but my mind can’t grasp hold of it. I see things that I cannot comprehend. I hear things and I can’t take it in. This lack of awareness on the part of my human understanding is because there is some disconnect between my spirit and soul. My soul (which includes my mind) is not fully subject to my spirit that has heard from the Holy Spirit. My flesh is not yet in agreement with my spirit and continues to mend the veil to keep me from dwelling in the councils of a Holy God.
Children first begin to learn with mental pictures. As their brains develop, they begin to think in words and sentences. It may be similar to hearing what God is speaking to His people as He prepares you to prophesy. As you begin in this ministry, you may well understand what the Spirit is saying through pictures you see with your spiritual eyes. In my experience, this means of revelation is certainly reliable.
From what I see in the Scriptures, God intends for the spiritual gift of prophecy to be ministered in the church today. Peter quoted Joel’s prophecy: “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions” (Acts 2:17-18). Peter made clear that this Old Testament prophecy is being fulfilled in the church age. Seeing visions and dreams is at times the first step in ministering in the spiritual gift of prophecy. The next step is to understand and interpret the dream or vision so that it may be proclaimed according to the truth the Spirit intends. This understanding and interpretation can only come by the ministry of the Holy Spirit; therefore, the one who prophesies ought to wait until the Spirit compels him or her before giving the message to the congregation at an acceptable time.