It’s been Mary’s practice since Joseph died to come to the olive grove, where Joseph is buried, and talk to him, because here she feels very close to him. Here, she can feel the love they shared. And it is here, if she closes her eyes, she can almost smell him. It reminds her of those intimate moments they shared when he would hold her close and she could feel his soft beard against her cheek. Or the time just after Jesus was born, he snuggled next to her and the baby and they basked in the glory of his birth. Yes, she clearly remembers those moments and many more with all of the children.
She needs these quiet moments with him so she can reflect on how strong their love was for each other. It reminds her of the many times they spent their evenings together on their roof worshipping God as a family. Those were special moments when they really felt His presence. But it’s here on this little rise of a hill surrounded by the olive trees where she can tell him how much she hurts, how much she worries about their son as she shouts out; I miss you! Especially now with Jesus starting his ministry…now when I have so many unanswered questions about what God has planned for him.
For a few minutes she remains quiet before finally, she continues. Seven years, I can’t believe it’s been seven years since we last sat together in this olive grove reminiscing about the family and all the wonderful things we did while raising the children.
Her thoughts then go back to the events of Jesus’ birth and his childhood.
Joseph, I clearly remember the angel, Gabriel, telling me that I was going to have God’s son. He appeared unreal in one sense but very real in another. The whole room seemed to be filled with a beautiful glowing light. His presence gave me a calm feeling. Yet as he stood before me, he seemed to be a part of the light. He didn’t seem to be a real being. He was more than just an angel he was…he was God’s messenger, sent directly by God. As I observed him it seemed that if I were to reach out and touch him, he would have felt real…I guess that’s what angels are like.
When the angel told me why he was there, Joseph it seemed so natural to say, ‘Yes, for I am your servant…’ I also recall when you realized that the child I would carry was God’s child. At that moment you didn’t know how to deal with it. You were confused…shocked… However, I knew that you’d seek God’s advice and when you returned the next day, your smile that greeted me, told me that you’d discussed it with Him and everything would be alright and we were married that day.’ Oh Joseph, that was such a happy day…but I miss you now!
Mary pauses briefly to wipe away a tear and to regain her composure. There’s so much she wants to tell Joseph.
Dear, it’s been almost six months since Jesus and I sat here and he told me he was leaving. He told me he’d received a message from God to go and meet John. He’s preparing the way for Jesus’ ministry, by having people repent of their sins and be baptized. At the time he told me he was leaving it seemed the natural thing to say, ‘I understand’ and let him go but so much has happened since then.
Once again Mary pauses as she remembers that day. As she gazes out over the hills, the late afternoon sun hangs low on the horizon and the shadows are lengthening. Overhead, the clouds are beginning to pick up a hint of color. Joseph, you remember my friend Rhoda. She told me what happened when Jesus and John met at the Jordan River. John baptized him and the sky opened up. A light came down on Jesus and a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’ Then a dove descended on Jesus and John remembered that he was told, ‘when he sees the Spirit in the form of a dove come down on him, he is the Son of God.’ Oh, my love, we’ve known that for years but what is God’s plan for him...what will he become?
After that Jesus went off into the wilderness and I didn’t see him until two months later, when he returned and we went to a wedding in Cana, where the host ran out of wine. Jesus performed his first miracle by turning water into wine. Since then, he has been going from town to town healing people and now he has followers he calls disciples. Do you think that he might become a rabbi? He certainly speaks with wisdom.
Then just a few days ago, Rhoda told me that John was in Jerusalem and was confronted by Jews from the temple and they asked him if he was the Christ. John told them, no but he was sent ahead of him and the one whom God sent speaks the words of God’…then the last thing he told them was, ‘the Father loves the Son and placed everything in his hands and whoever believes in the Son, will have eternal life.’
Oh Joseph, our son is doing wonderful things but the religious leaders don’t trust him, so I worry about his safety…I wish you were here…I miss you!