Chapter 3
Appeal to Study and Experience
++++ APPEAL TO STUDY and SEEK IN EXPERIENCE by PRAYER by SPIRITUAL SENSES by INNER MAN: // What has God commanded, instructed ? “study”, 2Tim2:15. // Now study is defined in the Greek (1c) as: to use speed; be prompt; be earnest; diligence; endeavor; labor. In English (1a): busy oneself w/; apply oneself; apply the mind to knowledge and understanding; investigation; careful attention; examination; critical exam; meditate; ponder. // What does this explain? CASUAL READING (esp. of the Holy Bible) Misses; is an offense against the lord’s command and way to help us. // Seeking also includes, to desire; to observe God’s ways; observe by experience; observe responses from God; be alert; respond to God’s word and presence; be still sometimes, and let or be active and let; intention/ purpose. // Study God’s voice, Holy Bible, interpretation, what subject is being instructed. // We seek for what we desire, intend/ purpose, or want. // Seek in experience God’s presence and voice. Sometimes no Church is available, or at least a true one. Maybe there is no Holy Bible or a complete one. There are many areas in life where the guidance of God is needed and no specific Holy Bible vs. is given. The Holy Bible is not made to worship, although it is a sacred instrument; but is intended/ purposed to lead to God in Presence, Spirit. Thoughts must be directed, affections pure, intentions/ purpose, and a will to seek God and rightness. To want His guidance; to Seek God’s will in providence, in Spirit, in HSC, in all His expressions. He is manager of Providence. Without prayer, one is no Christian and cannot survive long as a Christian. Pro3:5-6 is an excellent promise of God’s presence and guidance; a very intense fervent and serious practice of God’s presence:~ “trust in the Lord w/ all your heart and mind; and do not rely on your own reasoning (self alone, “own”); but in all your ways (thoughts too, 2Cor10:5) know, recognize, acknowledge, bring to attention, bring to consciousness God and He will direct and mk plain your paths”. Psa16:8 says~ “I have set the Lord always before me”. Go slow, no haste and set out to work and faith it happen. If we seek, by intention/ purpose, God (want Him; to do right to Him & mankind); then God approves. Heb11:6 tells us to look at the unseen, not seen; God is more real than the demons, more real than the folk around, and always right and caring. Let us claim and focus attention, bring to our consciousness, this armor!! // Experience of consciousness is such a significant and serious activity that it cannot be said enough. All we do is conscious experience; consciousness is our existence; it is compared to looking at the wall w/ a picture on it; it has a view, an unseen view to our existence; sense signals. Doctrine and groups of Moral folk that only have some creed thoughts, and then live life w/o really seriously and intently and reality-wise Not experiencing God, as by communing, learning, and experiencing the light radiating from His Being regularly, are highly mistaken; missing the greatest, most splendid life of all. And the fact of needing help in the experience of temptations, trials, and providential situations, which God, who does not miss the sparrow fall, will neither miss nor be passive, or careless about! // Seeking is to be continuous. // Proof & Carefulness: Some Do Not’s: +Non-seriousness, or careless w/ HSCs. +A thinking that HSC explains such and such only because some think it to be so; or only because other Beings say it so. +Do not feel need of EV. +Refuse to admit to EV when proved. +J.C. Ryle had this to say on PROVING: “Helped the reformation; also called, Right of the Private Judgment; It is Armor; Necessity; Discernment requires proving; Isa8:19~ by the law and by the testimony; 1Cor10:15~ judge what I say; infinite evils by absence of this attitude; go to hell if we do not exercise this; cannot believe what church tells you; do not sit still and accept evil or unknown”. +C. Finney & friends assisted the 2nd Great Awakening, w/ the Salvation Army; which brought God’s presence. They studied & communed w/ God; for EV. They got most of the Christian Doctrines right (accurate). The 1st Great Awakening was more helped by the Moravian Movement & Methodists (earlier group) than any other. // Pro21:30~ ”There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD”.
Chapter 4
USA Government and What It Consists of
++++++++ USA GOVERNMENT And WHAT IT CONSISTS Of WITH ITS PARTS: a] Consisting of Beings: = 5 Beings or Groups of Beings: 1) God, 2) Executive, 3) Legislative (Congress), 4) Judicial, 5) Citizens ~&~ b] Consisting of Basic Operational (Functioning) Parts: = 7 Parts: 1) God, 2) Law, (CC included), 3) Decisions w/ Intentions/ purposes, 4) Executive, 5) Legislative (Congress), 6) Judicial, 7) Citizenship (all Beings in the Nation). // Some of these parts (Beings & Functions) are not fully known, and/or included, and/or valued by many Beings. Thus, such leaves the thinking obscure, dark, confusing, or unknown as what is involved and what to do.