Answer Day
One Souls Journey in Discovering a New Way to Pray and Knowing the Exact Day Your Prayer Will Be Answered
Book Details
About the Book
Have you ever earnestly prayed for God’s guidance yet heard nothing but silence? Have you fervently prayed for God to help you with a major issue in your life and yet no answer came for you? Have you ever been filled with worry about a problem and it seems that God just stays far away? Yet with no guidance to go on, you and many other people still must make serious life decisions. But they are made with great uncertainty because you don’t know if God is with you or will support you in the decision you made. With this new way to pray, any sincere soul will find a way to open up that communication from God so a clear and loud response to your prayer can be heard. If you are honest about wanting an answer to your prayer, and if you are a person who is truly seeking God’s will with real integrity and you are willing to be patient and wait for the Lords reply, here is a way to get your response. Six simple steps are given here to help you state your clear question to God, what to do while you wait for God’s answer, and to know the exact day you will receive God’s reply!
This book will tell you precisely what you can do to obtain God’s clear direction with the specific prayer request you lift up. This may seem unbelievable, but the proven results of following these six steps, exactly as presented in this volume, are consistent and reliable in giving you a godly response. And this answer you receive can even be double-checked if you doubt it!
The author of this volume has been very slow to publish his findings. He has spent over forty years in researching, refining, testing, and retesting this method so that an answer can come for any sincere soul who is an honest seeker in wanting to make an all-important connection with God. Try it once and discover for yourself exactly what God’s response will be to your sincere prayer request.
About the Author
Jim Denham is a man who has had many ups and downs on his spiritual journey. As an agnostic he served in the Infantry with the U. S. Army in the Viet Nam War, only years afterwards did he become a Christian and eventually an Ordained Minister. He has worked as a common laborer and has also been educated and obtained University and Masters Degrees. Early in his professional life he worked selling Fine Art and Real Estate, but after committing himself to Christ he served as a Hospice Chaplain and as a Hospital Chaplain, and has served three Churches as their Pastor. As a Christian for over forty years his career positions have always been a visible and an outward expression of his commitment to Christ, yet all the while he was struggling in private and working alone to develop, understand and deepen his interior life to understand this new way to pray to hear the Will of God.