According to His Purpose
Volume I
Book Details
About the Book
This book is mainly for new believers but can help seasoned believers of God’s Word understand what he is speaking to us all. The book takes scriptures and breaks them down so that they are more understandable and easier to digest. Every scripture in the Bible is an inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness to help every believer understand who he is. We must all be doers and not just hearers of God Word. We must study God’s Word and show ourselves approved.
About the Author
In my growing up in the small city of Boynton Beach, Fl, I grew up in a Pentecostal home then a Baptist home. I was raised by a single mother (Dorothy Dowdell) with 5 other siblings in the worst part of the city called Cherry Hill. It was by the grace of God and my mother’s stern hand that has brought me this far and I have no police record or have never tried any kind of drugs. I was always taught that there was a God but I never truly understood who He was or what He could do until I reached my early 40s. In 2010 after being divorced for 3 years, I started to learn what God can do. I had learned what God had instilled in me so I let Him guide and direct my footsteps which led me to my angel of a wife (Rudeen Dowdell) that I adore and cherish with all that God has given me. I live with my wife and 2 (Ashley and Ceanne) of our 5 (Fred Jr, Alexandria and Avery) kids in Ft Lauderdale, Fl. My life then turned more on the focus of who God was and why He created me. I wrote this book because I learned as a new believer in Jesus Christ and reading His Word, it gets kind of confusing and boring. This book breaks down scripture so that they are easy to understand and digest. God has started something in me and my wife that we know He will finish. My wife is, at the moment this book is being published, battling stage 4 Uterine cancer but God is still good.