You probably are thinking to yourself, “who is this person to be writing a study on praise and worship”? You’re probably right, who am I? I’m not an ordained minister. I haven’t taken formal religious classes. But the one thing I do have is the Bible and I can read. Just like you! I’m the type of person that likes studying the Bible. I like looking up what words mean back in the Bible days. I also have the Holy Spirit who is the Teacher.
Let me give a little background of how I came to write about this topic. I was a member of Christ Sent Ministries (CSM). CSM was a small church in that we didn’t have a lot of members. There was a need for someone who could lead praise and worship. Anyone who knows me knows that I CAN’T sing, rather I make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Well, one thing that I did know was praise and worship songs. So what I did was put a series of songs together to play and my role was to give the words to the song. So, that was our praise and worship. I then led the sign language ministry in which we did songs in sign language. There were a couple of women (eventually one man) who were involved. I then thought that I would like us to be on one accord in why we do this. My focus was to have us minister unto the Lord with our hands and also bless the congregation. I also wanted us to have a meaning of what praise was and what worship was.
It was then I decided to do a study on praise and worship. I took out my trusted Strong’s Concordance and looked up the words praise and worship. I then took the words and looked up the scripture verses. I then had a better understanding of what praise was and what worship was. I then wrote it up with exercises in it to get an even better understanding of how my life can include these definitions in it. It was a blessing to do, so I decided to give it to the women in the sign language ministry. We went over it weekly when we met for practice. They told me it was a blessing and they learned from it.
I’m now a member of another church, Christ Centered Ministries (CCM). Presently I’m the head of the sign language ministry in which we call Hands In Praise. So I’m still praising God with my hands. I’m NOT doing the praise and worship. We have a worship team with musicians. I’m in the congregation praising and worshiping God with the team. I also am a part of the Offering Ministry. We alternate months for giving the exaltation to give to the congregation. That’s like a mini-message. I also occasionally assist with the Audio Department when the main person is away or when the women do the service.
Fast forward seven years from when I initially wrote the study to today. I got an email from this Publishing Company about self-publishing. I figured this was a perfect opportunity to get this study published in a book form. It’s finally here! I pray and hope that you find it a learning experience. I pray that you begin to praise God with your mouth and body and worship Him with your life. God bless!
“I just want to praise the Lord”
“I’m here to get my praise on”
“Praise and worship was g-o-o-d, we danced and shouted all night”
We often use these two words interchangeably. However, they mean two different things. You can praise God, but not worship Him.
When we have praise and worship, we are entering into His tabernacle. When the Israelites had the tabernacle, outside was where the priest offered up thanksgiving and sacrifices. Once the priest entered into the Holy of Holies, that’s where he met God. It was a place of reverence and holiness. If the priest didn’t perform his’ duties correctly, he was dead. The priest also didn’t walk up in the Holy of Holies with shabby garments, he had fine linen and gold (read Exodus 28).
This sets the pattern for praise and worship. First enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving. Once you entered in, you reverence and worship the Lord.
According to Webster dictionary:
PRAISE – to express approval; to glorify (to worship and give distinguished praise or honor.
To break this definition down further:
Express: to formulate in words; verbalize; to state; to communicate through some medium other than words or signs.
Approval: to express a favorable opinion.
Distinguished: to recognize as being different.
Honor: to hold in high regard or respect.
To put it all together:
WORSHIP – reverence for a sacred object, high esteem or devotion for a person; to revere; attend a religious service.
As you see, praise is more what you say and worship is more what you do. As I discuss more of the Hebrew and Greek words for praise and worship, you will clearly see the difference. You’ll understand why I said, “You can praise God, but not worship Him”. My desire is that you will participate in both Praise and Worship.