Seasons of Change
Freedom from the Imprisonment of the Past
Book Details
About the Book
Seasons of Change is a workbook based upon a continual cycle found in the Word of God. As each section is walked out through answering self-examination questions, shared with a trustworthy mentor within the context of membership in the local evangelical church, and walking the practice of freedom out in transparency, an annual cycle is developed. That cycle includes revisiting the progress from the season that just ended, measuring progress or regress while encouraging growth as a free child of God in helping another person caught in addictive patterns.
Seasons of Change crosses over from substance abuse, addictions of a chemical nature, abhorrent behaviors that are sinful in nature, as well as pornography and addictions of all types.
About the Author
Daniel L. Taylor was called out of the imprisonment of addictions through Jesus Christ himself while being called by him to minister to others caught in that same destructive cycle. Once that call was answered, Dan was challenged to start a Christian ministry, which has help set free addicts since 1991. More than 2,500 have been ministered to in the USA as well as many hundreds more in Guatemala, Myanmar, and Zimbabwe. The extensive practical experience, research, and scriptural knowledge is all blended together in every aspect that is supported and found in the Bible. Daniel works in uniting the body of Christ and engaging dedicated mentors to walk alongside everyone caught in the trap of addictions and makes this approach a win-win for all concerned.