As one of the most breath-taking jewels, the value of a diamond is determined by its cut, clarity, color, and carat. The origin of the word diamond is “adamant”, which means “unshakable, immovable, unwavering, uncompromising, resolute, determined, firm, and steadfast.” In life, we will face many situations and challenges. However, as diamonds are formed under an extreme combination of temperature and pressure, so too we are designed to live life abundantly despite difficulties and challenges. Though unpredictable and demanding as life may seem, struggles do not possess the power to destroy us or our destiny. Therefore, no matter what life brings, persist! In this book, we will uncover the life stages of a diamond. In addition, we will discover how we are very much likened to the resolute beauty of diamonds, transitioning from in the rough to FLAWLESS.
As one of the most breath-taking jewels, the value of a diamond is determined by its cut, clarity, color, and carat. The first stage of the diamond we will uncover is the CUT. Everyone wants to be a diamond, but very few are willing to endure the cut. The cut impacts the diamond’s brilliance. Thus, in order to perfect the diamond, a cutting-away process must take place. Accordingly, this first chapter of this book may hurt a little. However, I promise, the pain will not last.
The next diamond stage we will uncover is Clarity. The most prestigious clarity scale for a diamond is Flawless (FL). Our true Flawless value comes from God. He and He alone has created and purposed us. We are His treasures. Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) reads, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We are not flawless because we are free from flaws, we are flawless because the power and grace of God are perfected in the center of our weaknesses. Selah. (Pause and think about that!)
You may be surprised to know diamonds come in many different colors and hues. In this chapter, we will explore the many colors of diamonds. Much like colorful diamonds, we are beautifully created with diverse hues and tones. Our beauty is represented in manifold shades. Know that you were intricately and skillfully formed by the Maker of the universe. Though we have many things in common, no two of us are exactly alike. There are unique facets and aspects of a woman which make her exquisite and highly valued. If only we could see ourselves as God sees us. We as women are truly fascinating and colorful beings. It is incredible to know we are custom-made by the Master Creator of beautiful colors.
Diamonds are measured at various weights. A carat is a unit of measurement. The word “carat” means “a small seed” or the “carob seed”. This seed was used many years ago as a form of weight comparison when measuring diamonds. How amazing it is that such as small seed was used to determine such a great value! This technique of diamond measurement reminds me how we can accomplishment great things with small seed-like faith! The verse reminds us if we have faith the size of a small mustard seed, we can move mountains and nothing will be impossible (Matthew 17:20).
Our sisterhood journey through this book will be amazing! I am grateful for us to share this journey together, knowing our end will be far greater than our beginning. Though we began as diamonds in the rough, we will finish simply, Flawless!
Flawlessly Yours,